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Its already 11 p.m but still  Murtasim is in office.working hard..  he is in no mood to go to home..
In between bakhtu his servant,driver,cum friend an old man came n said
Bak:- Ghar challe..murtasim beta..
He is still a child to him..whom he saw grown in front of his own eyes..

Mur:- laughing ...ghar..home...????
Is it really home or just a house of bricks ...
Home is which where there is a family..people emotions etc..
But he has nothing no family no loved one..I m alone baba..n I will remain alone all life..

Bak:-Nahi beta aisa nahi Kehte.. I m sure Allah will bless you immense love one day..

Mur:-No bakhtu your God forgot to bless me with love..
I never get love from any one ..
All just love my power position money etc.
But no one love me ..
Saying this he left for home with bakhtu..

When he reached home Haya
Bakhtu daughter waiting for him n served him dinner..
He ate it in silence n left for his room..
(Here haya is bakhut daughter a maid servant in home..)

When he came back to his room n changed his cloth a lady chain fell from his pocket..
He picked it up n saw n said


He always keep her chain with him ..May be he find her one day n return her chain n say sorry..
N then start thinking what happened five years back..
Murtasim lost his mother at age of his father married another women for his sake..but that lady never loved him n always behind his father's she spoiled murtasim to the core that's why Murtasim was one of the egostic person.  No doubt he always excel in every field whether study or sports..but also drug addictive..

N there was a girl Meerab in his college..she was also best..although she  belong to a lower middle class family but very potential n efficient n best in every field...she wants to excel the college n to get good job so that she can live a good life with her grandma..
She is an orphan..only grandma is her family...
So there was always a tough competition between them..
But meerab as meerab won n murtasim second..
All girls drool over him..n throw them on him..but meerab never gave him so much attention...
So he just didn't like her..always try to bring him short enemies...

After passing college he joined his father business but never so much attentive...

N meerab also looking for good job..

One stormy night she came to hospital as her grandmother got a heart attack n in every critical condition ..
Doc:- See miss..your grandmother got an heart attack n a serious we have to perform a surgery..
So deposit 5 lakhs on reception as soon as possible..

Mee: but I don't have such huge sum of money..
Please help me...n save her..

D:but I can't help here..

Wait..our management head is here you talk to him..if he permits we have no issue in it..

Mee:-OK tell me where he is..
N doctor showed him his office..
N when she entered in office she astonished to see murtasim there..

Meer:-You father runs this hospital..
Mee:-Please please help grandmother needs a surgery..please help me..
She just join her hands..n start  crying

Murtasim just smiled..he was under the effect of drug that time..he just fell happiness on seeing meerab in his feet..

Mur:-okay..I will help you but what will I get in return ..

Mee:-I will return all your money as soon as possible I will get the job...

Mur:-no way..if you need money then you just have to spend a night with me..

Meerab just felt disgusting on his thought..n just try to slap him but he just hold her hand n said so you don't need surgery for your grandmother..
She just start crying ..n he smirked on her Condition..

Meerab :-okay I will spend a night but please start my grandmother treatment...

He called doctors n ordered them to start treatment..

Murtasim hold her hand start taking her out..
Mee: but please stop I want to be here with her..

Mur:-Beggars are not the choosers.. you will spend today's night with me at my farm house...
N took her to his farm house..
N used her full night according to his wish...she just didn't respond but a puppet in his hands...her private parts were hurt badly..after 3 4 hours he just left her n slept ..

She got up n left for hospital in a bad condition.. but till then she reached hospital her grandmother left for heaven ..
She was no more..meerab just fell n start crying no one is there in this whole big world ...

She completed all last rituals n was in drastic condition..
N in night she was just walking but donot know where n go n suddenly a car came infront of her n she just become unconcious in front of it..

Precap:-What will happen now...will they ever meet..will meerab forgive him...

Hai dear readers .this is my first short story on terebin...

Please give your comments n views..

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