All the endings

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A young girl sits on her bed, in the bright autumn sun. Time doesn't slow down. Maybe because summer felt like yesterday. One bright light, a leaf from the sun, gets lost in the wind.
Then came the rain.
A young lady sits in her bed, with a book in her hand. Time starts to slow down. Maybe because loneliness stopped by, and turned hours in days, weeks in months.
Then the thunder came.
An old woman sits in her bed. She gets up like a tired butterfly and walks to her front door. A strange magic turns her stumble into running, heavy breathing into laughing. She got out and ran in the forest.
A little child, free and wild runs with the trees.
A young lady feels the birds flying away, scared of the dark sky.
An old woman stops and smiles at the clouds.
Then the lightning struck.
And all that laughter turned into deep silence.
Maybe because a smile reached all the endings.


All tears shed by a smileWhere stories live. Discover now