Head cannons.

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Dragon slayers eyes are reflective. 


Dragon slayers eye can slit like a cats eye when stressed. During the eclipse gate meeting Allumos's eyes were slitted and it made Bryan and viper panic more, everyone else was just confused.


When it gets to cold the dragon slayers make a nest thingy with blankets and pillows.


Allumos has fangs, though they are not venomous like vipers can be.


The stronger the dragon slayer you are, the stronger the dragon like urges get.


There is a sort of ranking system in among dragon slayers. Allumos be the one with most control. Mario, Blake, and viper tend to ignore Allumos's "ruling" but sometimes Allumos would get mad for only like a few second but it would still startle everyone.


Viper is tired all the time due to the magic drain he has while using Jasper and the dragon like urge to rest all the time to store energy.


The dragon slayers are protective of each other, even subconsciously if they want to be or not.


When one of viper's fangs break new ones grow in. Though it can be very painful. So when Allumos notices viper is growing a fang again he doesn't let viper go on any quests until the pain passes.


Dragon slayers can sense other dragon slayers emotions, it's easier the stronger you are and the stronger the bond with that person the easier to tell their emotions. 


Dragon slayers can smell magic.


Viper hisses at people when under great stress.


Vipers Ivy "tattoos" grow randomly and it's very painful. Like the uncofmy type of pain. And it can last hours on end, so every dragon slayer can easily notice that viper is not ok and either leave him alone or go find allumos to help him. Since viper trusts Allumos the most Viper doesn't mind getting help from him. The help usually implies fluffy blankets and Allumos death glaring anyone trying to get to viper like a body guard. The other dragon slayers also try to redirect anyone from getting near viper.


All dragon slayers can smell each other and a general area they are at.


Dragon slayers can tell who is been around who via that persons sent, like for example if Bryan has been around jakey, the other dragon slayers could smell time magic on him.


All dragon slayers [mainly Allumos and viper] have to resist roaring at people, growling at them, snarling, etc.


At first , the dragon slayers were very uncomfortable with the idea of little nests with blankets and stuff because of the fact not all of them get along. It mainly was just Allumos and Viper in their own corner of Grimshade for awhile.


When sparing the other dragon slayers Allumos can get a little pissed off depending on how they act towards him and sometimes he would attack them as usual,  but accidentally send them flying. (Unless it's viper who just takes the hit and takes the fight up a notch.)


Viper's fangs are venomous.


Once, Coiln asked if Viper was poisonous or venomous and Viper replied that he knew he was venomous because he bit other people and watched them die slowly while nobody has been dumb enough to bite him. So basically they don't know if he's poisonous.


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