Dragon slayer go burr✨

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When dragon slayers get sick, they get really sick. Though it's uncommon. The more powerful, the worse the symptoms are, kinda like their motion sickness. For instance if Bryan gets sick it won't be as bad if say, Allumos gets sick. (Poor boi.) though it's rare for them to get sick.


Blake loves rain, Davis finds thunder relaxing, Coiln finds dark rooms calming, Mario meditates in a forest to feel calm with the earth and stuff. Bryan sits near a fire place, sometimes in it. Seek looks into candles for hours to calm down, Allumos loves stargazing to escape everything. Meanwhile Viper doesn't know what the fuck to do.


Allumos invites Viper to go stargazing with him to get away from the guild for a moment. Viper usually falls asleep during this and Allumos carries  him back while everyone is asleep in their rooms.


All dragon slayers enjoy scriches though depending on who you talk to they may deny it (aka Davis, Mario, Allumos, and Viper) and will never admit it. While the others practically demand it from people.


Allumos and Viper randomly goes into each others rooms to chill for no apparent reason.


Allumos knew that viper can be physically clingy sometimes, but nobody else's knew until a very tired, kinda sick, viper with a migraine that could kill a god strolled down the Grimshade stairs and clinged on to Allumos for any sense of peace. To the other dragon slayers surprise.


When Viper is in a lot of pain he clings onto the person nearest to him. Allumos has experienced this a lot. Micheal found this out the hard way while bringing him on a mission while he was hurt. (When Micheal didn't know he was) and practically dragged Viper for hour. Once, when some of vipers fangs broke, and his Ivy markings were growing, he clinged to Coiln, to everyone's confusion. Though Allumos did take him because Coiln didn't know how to process this.  


All dragon slayers get distracted  very easily.


Once Micheal brought up the laser pointer thing with Allumos to win an already petty argument and Allumos straight up bit him. This is how everyone figured out he has fangs. Micheal was pretty shocked, as any one would be, and had no idea how to react. Allumos, on the other hand politely told him to leave already and started doing his paper work like it was normal.


When Allumos bit Micheal, Viper just laughed and told Micheal he was lucky it wasn't him who bit him.


Allumos feels really weird when he gets dragon-like urges because he was the first dragon slayer and it weirded everyone the fuck out 400+ years ago, thats why he hates when Richie or Micheal go and annoy him about stuff like that. And yes this is kinda how the biting him thing happened.


All the dragon slayers hate it when someone random goes into their room, especially if it's someone they hate. Basically Allumos was pissed when Micheal wanted to just waltz into his office, his room , Viper was just amused on how much confidence it would take to storm into a dragons den when you already annoyed it and pretend you couldn't get hurt. Same thing happened with kit and the whole guild hall. She got fucking yeeted for intruding into the hall with a malicious intent,


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