Chapter 1

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Sitting in my car as tears stream down my face, I listen to the song play as I analyze it to fit my life. All I can think about is Noah, and how I'm just supposed to leave. Leave without him. Was I going to move again? Was I going to abandon my new life and restart? Would anyone care if I did leave? I've lived in New York, Illinois, Texas, and now California. Just this year alone. No one ever noticed me come or go. Thinking about the first time I moved caused more tears to flow. My face started to feel puffy and it was getting hard to breath. That broke my heart. I don't know if I can relive the same pain I felt back then.

I walk down the stairs of the new house. This wasn't a house, it was a museum that no one would ever see In person appreciating it. Walls, stairs, ceilings, trims, artwork were all black, white and modern.  You would think this was some sort of hotel by the size. Probably the best house I've lived in yet.

My Mother had good money from my late father, but she somehow found Men who were richer and would treat her well. We lived in nice houses before, but this was over the top. My Dad was never about flashy things like this. I didn't realize he was loaded until...

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs leading into the living room I spot my Mom reading a magazine, propping her feet up on the ottoman. She quit her job the day she gained full access to his money.

"Hi Honey. Have a good first day of school! I know you will love it here!" My mother says. As I look around our new million dollar house everything is shiny and new. All new plasma screen tv and furniture. Fancier belongings than I felt worthy of. Somehow my Mother has met richer men each time she dates, therefore us moving into a house grander than the last.

"You say that every-time." I glare at my mother. Which she really does. In her mind this is the last guy, her perfect prince and we will live here happily ever after. Nope. I'll be packing once again very soon. I think this time I'll keep a calendar.

"Don't be silly. Richard has told me great things about this community and how good the schools are." Richard- my Mothers new boyfriend. I doubt it will last longer than 3 months. Then again we will be moving to a new place, to be with her new god awful fling. 

"You also say that every-time." I scoff grabbing my things getting ready to leave.

"Don't be disrespectful towards your mom Blake. You are a child and will respect your parent." Spits Richard.

This pathetic man thinks he has anything to add. He isn't my father and never will be. None of these men will be anything like my father. My Dad was a nice caring loving man, with a cholesterol problem. He suffered from a severe heart attack when I was a freshmen in high school. I never got to say goodbye to him one last time. Or say I love you, I'm proud to be your daughter.

It's weird to think that my Mother once settled down with him for years upon years. They were happily in love. A love that someone could only dream of.

Love doesn't exist. How could she move on so quickly. I'm still not over it, and I'm not sure that I ever will be. I haven't talked to my friends since that day. I haven't made new ones either.

I regain my conciseness, reaching for the front door handle. "Also don't wait up, we're leaving for our cruise today around 3," she said.

"See you in a month, maybe when we come back we will have a new baby sister for you." Richard smirks. Imagining that pig having sex with my mother was disgusting.

On that note I ran out the door wanting to forget my life. My mother is a whore and will do anything for attention from a man. It's like her personality died with my Father and she created a new one who likes to sleep around. Maybe it was a psychotic break. We used to do everything together. Us, and my Dad. Now she couldn't care less about me in her life.

When I'm a mother, I'm going to be involved and never leave my kid to be with some sleazy man.

I unlock my bmw throwing all my crap in the backseat, throwing my body into the driver's seat slamming the door shut. I scream for a few seconds before putting my seatbelt on. God why do I have to move schools so much? I don't think I'll ever live a "normal" life again.

Whenever people ask why I move around so much I say I'm a military brat, because telling them my Mother is a whore gets me weird stares. I've only done it once, but never again. That was the worst 3 months of my life.

I set up my maps, and back out of the driveway through a neighborhood I will never need to learn the nooks and crannies of. Won't be here long enough to start getting attached. As I drive down the road all I can think is, Fuck that house, that house, that house, fuck those perfectly maintained bushes and fuck those people with 4 Teslas in the driveway.

After 15 minutes of Siri telling me to turn left and right I finally made it to my new school. It's big and fancy. Probably the most prestigious looking schools I've ever attended. Looks like a castle, or some fancy university. From the looks of the parking lot everyone has money. Teslas, Corvettes and G wagons. I pull into a spot, grab my things and head to the dean's office.


"Hello you must be Ms. Somer I am Dean Weston" A short old bald man reaches his hand out. I shake it, "Please, call me Blake" I say.

"You have quite the list of transcripts! I hope our school tops all of your other ones! Blake, here is your schedule for this semester. Before I forget, at Westlake High we require you to be in a sport. It looks better for college resumes, and truthfully brings in more money for the school. So which sport would you like to join? Maybe cheer, or the dance team?"he questions me. Why would I join a team just to leave in 3 or so months? I guess he doesn't know that.

"Ummm, no." I answer politely trying not to show that I was offended. Misogynistic of him to tell me about fucking cheerleading. "Do you have lacrosse here?"

I've never played a sport, I've never really been the athletic type. Once I learned I wouldn't be anywhere long enough to even make it through the whole season I decided against trying it. But teen wolf made this sport look fun so why not try.

"We sure do. You will go there when your schedule says athletics. And have fun, and don't get into trouble. Also I'm sure at your other schools they have someone to show you around, but I can't afford for any of my students to skip class. Here is a map of the school to help you make your way around. That will be all, Blake." He says dismissing me.

I grab the schedule and map off his desk and leave the office trying to find my first period. I'm relieved that he didn't send a student with me forcing me to talk about why I'm here. No one thinks I'm a military brat, or a daughter of a whore. As I walk into the main hallway I see a tall boy in all black walking out the front doors. He had a smug look on his face, and his fists were clenched. What the hell was his problem?

I frantically walk around looking for my room number, scared the bell will ring and I'll be swept away by a flood of students. The hallways are clear for now, and nearly every wall is a window. I feel as if I'm in a giant fish bowl looking at the outside world. After long stretches of hallways I find my destination.

(HI so here's the first chapter. I hope you all enjoy it! 1400 words)

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