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Charlies pov:

I head out of maths after the lunch bell goes. Today's been such a long day and I'm glad I finally get a break. I miss Nick so much, so go look for him on the field like I do everyday.
We always meet for lunch, especially since my eating disorder has gotten worse; he's the only one I really feel comfortable eating around. He's helped me so much this past year, through my self harm, eating disorder and anxiety. Even when I was at the mental health hospital, he always did anything he could to help. I love him so much.

"Charlie." A voice calls from around the corner. A deap, lifeless voice. I cautiously walk round. It's Ben. I should have just walked away, but for something in my body forces me to stay.
"What do you want Ben." I say, trying go act tough and unfazed by his presence. I'm still scared of him, after what happened last year, but I can stand up to him more than I could before.

Ben just stares at me for a while. Neither of us break the silence. If im honest, his stare has always been really manipulative, as if I can't look away or something. Finally he speaks.
"It's Nick." He pauses. "He's- he's hooking up with another guy."
I feel my face fall as the words come out of his mouth. No. No way. Theres literally no way Nick would cheat on me. Right? We've been together for over a year now, we've been through everthing together. He wouldn't do this to me.
"What-" that's all I manage to say.

"I know you probably don't trust me, after everything I did, but I promise I saw it." He said depretly, "He went into that locked classroom with some boy in his year."
Why should I even believe him. He's been to ruin mine and Nicks relationship since we first got together. He's ways lying to me. But. But he seems so genuine, like he is actually trying to help me. And the door is actually locked. Is he telling the truth?

I feel a tear drip down my face. I wipe it away with me sleeve and start shouting.
"NO YOU'RE LYING NICK WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO ME!" I'm fully crying at this point, tears rushing out of my eyes before I can stop them, and I'm pretty sure everyone has stopped to see what's happening. But I'm to upset to care. I was already feeling crap today, so I think this just really finished me off.

I close my eyes and zone out. I try to forget everything that has happened in the past 5 minutes and managed to calm down. I open my eyes and see Tao standing in front of me, arm wrapped tightly round my shoulder. He's repeating my name, in a sense of panic, but it's also so comforting at the same time. He pulls me aside and we sit there till i am able to talk properly.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" He says calmly. I nod and explain.

When I finish after what feels like eternity, he looks at me and smiles
"Follow me and let's have a look."

"Why would you belive that dick anyway?" He smirks

We walk to the locked room where Ben was, and knock on the door. A boy i recognise comes and opens the door. He's in the rugby team, I think. I quit a few months ago when my mental health got bad so I dont remember everyone.
"Whats up?" He's says to me and Tao with a slightly confused expression on his face.
"Have you seen Nick Nelson?" Tao responds, surprisingly formal for his usuall tone. The rugby boy turns around and nods his head. On one of the far tables, sits Nick, the sun shining perfectly on his face showing of all his georgous freckles. He looks so clueless, until he sees me and smiles. I swere to god his smile is just perfect.

Tao pushes me forward and I walk towards Nick. I think he can tell that I've been crying as his expression turns slightly worried as I get closer. He stand up and slowly jogs towards me. He can always tell when somethings wrong with me
"Hey, Char, are you okay?" He whispers as he pulls me into his chest. I rest my head on his warm shoulder and I finally feel safe again.
"Ben..." I mutter, "I saw him while coming to find you, and he told me you'd been hooking up with another guy." I manage to force out those last few words, but I feel like I'm going to cry again. Nick hugs me tighter and the tears go away. I never want him to let go of me.
"Oh babe, you didn't believe him did you?" He says emotionally, "You know I would never leave you." I look up and stare into beautiful brown eyes. After a while of just staring at his georgous eyes, I slowly reach up and kiss him. His soft lips push against mine, and I just forget everything.

"I love you" He whispers into my lips.

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