Prologue👍 Reputation-Joan jett

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"Ms.Henderson, you realize the seriousness of your offence do you not?"

Bite me

"Ms. Henderson are you listening?"

"Of course Mrs. Abernathy" ugh as if "my sincere apologies" I said with the least painful looking smile I could manage.

"Yes,well contraband substance stored in a student's dorm is an inexcusable event.The amount of alcohol found in your room is enough to file a report over"

Oh no, a report

"The ability to keep personal affects in a school space is a privilege, not a right. Your a very lucky girl not to have been expelled by now, given your history, one more event and you will be banned from the premises" the hag said with a grotesquely pitiful look plastered on her cakey foundation. I started counting the hairs on her moustache

"Headmistress Abernathy you must understand, whatever you found in my dorm does not belong to me, I was framed" All the alcohol I have in my room is in the ceiling panels of my closet stuffed behind some pvc pipe so unless someone with x ray specs was was poking around my dingy , water damaged dormitory there's no way somebody, much less some airhead teacher could've stumbled upon my stash. Somebody planned this.

"It will do you no good to lie girl" she remarked condescendingly. "Arabella Fraser reported this incident yourself, as you know she is a star student and you have quite the record. Your word against hers"

Of course that psycho bitch reported me, it's not my fault her boyfriend is a cheating dirtbag. Like I'd get with him anyways; bro looks like jack nicholson. 'Star student' that bleach blonde wouldn't know long division if it but her in the a-

"Due to your *ahem* academic prowess the school board has decided to allow you another chance at Lancaster-Downe Academy, given you stay on campus full-time and participate in community service"Ms.Abernathy remarked, her face pinched as if she was vacuum sealed.

"Community service and House arrest?!" I spat, losing control of my temper. "Maam I didn't do anything!"

"So this" headmistress smirked, pushing a half full bottle of something across her mahogany desk "is not amongst your belongings, ms.Henderso bc n?" The cheapest bottle of vodka I've ever seen in my life slid in front of me.

A trashy drink for a trashy little shit I guess

"I swear to god that's not mine" i said

" given the incident in chapel I don't believe he's a good choice of reference" she had chirped, I almost smiled "you have received your verdict. excused"

I couldn't take this prep school bs anymore "thank you madam" I scowled, "I guess I'll be seeing you" I swiftly grasped the crappy vodka and bolted out of that room like a bat out of hell

I quickly found Arabella. For a person so revered she sure did have a disproportionate amount of negative qualities; her agitating, grating voice for example reverberated off the two hundred year old concrete of the building.

"FRASER" I barked from across the hall. She barely turned her head. I shoved the bottle into her freshly manicured hands .

"Oh Heyy hun, you found my little present did yo_" she was cut of by me grasping her bony shoulders and kneeing her where the sun dont shine.

A stiff squeak escaped her lips and she slowly slid down the wall as her entourage looked at me as if I was some extraterrestrial being. Arabella proceeded to throw up onto her henchmen's new sketchers. Said henchman started to bawl

"DANIELLE HENDERSON WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING" headmistress Abernathy bellowed. 

  I did say I'd be seeing her ne c'est pas?

Ok so cringe but we had to have a little backstory. Pottymouth fr. Sorry for it being so short I'm an embarrassingly slow writer. Uhm if u spot any typos pls let me know bc I am too lazy to edit post scrips . Also, count the pop culture references if you want
-Dina The Great 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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