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a ball covered with small mirrored , used to provide lighting effects at or dances.

Or as Taylor Swift would say:

"Mirrorballs are on the dancefloor because they reflect light, they have been broken a million times and that's why they shine. There are people like that too, they hang there and it entertains us everytime they break. When you shine a light on them, they shine, but when you don't, nobody looks at them even though they're still there."- Mother aka Taylor Swift

"When will you learn that i am better? I mean even at killing I am better then you."

Grace Robert's survived two Ghostface massacres only by the age of 18. She is the sister of Jill Roberts, the person responsible for the fourth ghostface massacre.
Now Grace is in college with the other 4 survivers of last years killings. Of course like any other teenager her age, Grace falls in love with Ethan, Chad's roommate and her academic rival. When another ghostface is confirmed to roam around the city she just hopes the history won't repeat itself like it did with Amber.

MIRRORBALL☆ - Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now