part 1

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"Lily where are you?" I yelled down the hall of me and my best friends house

"I'm in my room mer"

I could her her yell back, well what a surprise I guess? then suddenly my phone rang it was my dad

"Well hello dad" I said

"Hello my lovely daughter when are you coming home again?" he asked

"I don't know papa miss me already?" I asked with a sarcastic tone

"Well of course Mercedes I do" he said in a kinda sad tone

"Well I don't know probably as soon as I get on my summer vacation" I said if you didn't know I moved to Germany to start school here I'm studying to become a photographer me and lily is living with the Schumacher family lily knows them well, I might know that the verstappen family and Schumacher family knew each other well if you didn't now you know.

I talked with my dad for a while until he needed to hang up the phone I have this love hate relationship with him sometimes we can talk for ages without arguing and then the next day the only thing we can do is argue.

I'm also an influencer cool right? that's what everybody thinks I like it but it's too draining y'know if you don't know

I'm also an influencer cool right? that's what everybody thinks I like it but it's too draining y'know if you don't know

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This is my account on insta I do have private TikTok but imma not gonna say what the name is🤭

Anyway we rented a house not so far from where the Schumacher's are just so we could explore Germany before school starts.

"Lily are you ready yet?" I ask her

"not yet I still need to find an outfit" she answers still with her nose in her homework, I roll my eyes at her

"come on you have Been sat on your butt for what 5 hours now" I say whining I hate when she always do homework even due to months from now

"fine find me an outfit while I finish up okay" she says with a sigh

"deal" I said finding her an outfit.

i lave it when I always get my ways even with lily because she is a hard. ut to crack but I cracked her days into our friendship so ever since then we have become inseparable

"I love Germany but the storms of rain is nothing like in Spain" I say Lily just laughed at my miserable try to jump over a pool of water or that is what it looked like, dude I have never experienced something like this ever in my life.

"wait isn't that mick and max" I hear lily say I look up and sure enough max was standing right there with a man looking over at us

"hey little sis and Mercedes" max said politely

"hey max and you are?" I said

"oh im Mick Schumacher" the man said A WHAT NOW he must have seen the shook on my face because he laughed at me

"I heard that you and lily will be living with uh huh can't afford your own home" he said in a baby voice

"you are very lucky we are in an public place right now asshole" I say giving him an death glare

"aww so you are broke sucks for you" he said and laughed I don't think the other heard it as the siblings were talking with each other

"can't you just shut up puta" the last thing I mumbled ofcouse

"I'm sorry what did you call me" he said now getting in my face

"I called you puta with means bitch asshole" I said my heavy Spanish accent taking over

"you take that back or I will not be nice on you when I move in" he said putting a finger in my face and out of reactions I punched him I gasped while he groaned in pain blood seen coming out of his mouth and nose.

"WHAT THE FUCK MERCEDES" lily yelled running over to him

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to punch him it was out of reaction I promise" I said with tears threading to come and I got a flashback


"mommy mommy look at this" little Mercedes say running over to her mother holding a pretty flower she found in their garden

"wow mer that is so pretty like you" her mother says smiling down at her daughter, she knew that if her husband saw this he would flip and unfortunately he did, he ran over to the mother and punched her on the face blood came out of her mouth and nose and seconds later her breast stopped moving

"mommy wake up please wake up" the little girl say shaking her mum that didn't move unless the girl moved her

"please mum" she screamed that seemed to catch her brothers attention as he came running he saw his mother but knew if he showed any kind of sorrow it would not help his little sister, so he did the only thing he could and that was to call their uncle the only father figure they had

"hey could you maybe come pick us up" he asked

"why what happened" the uncle said but then he heard the cry from the little one and understood he came as fast as possible and when he got there he saw his sister laying dead on the floor

"omg what did he do?" he asked tears rolling down his face

"i don't know I wasn't here but I heard Mercedes cry" her brother Oliver said

"okay come on guys come on" he said as he picked up his niece that didn't wanna walk away from her mother


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