Death Wish

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     My First Story enjoy.....

  My name is Cecila Waters.I'm 15 years old.I'm what as known as fresh meat at ColoneilHigh School.I  a bad ass i've been in YDC2 times i'll explain for what later.I never been able to keep a boyfriend for more than 3 days ,they usually get bored or pissed because i don't drop my pants within the first 24 hours. i don't have friends i have people that i do my stuff with (shhh coming up later).

  Cece P.o.v:

     My crew BFA(Baddest Fuckers Around) burned Coloneil High School down. It was on accident Eday( 2nd in command) was smokin blunt next to my bookbag and i guess a spark set mt bookbag on fire.I was laughing so hard i don't know at what might be because of all the lean i was drinkin .I poured some on my bag cause it was gettin really hot and fire got bigger the next thing i knew was that Ms.Eddson room was on fire. Mack( newbie) passed out after his first drag of blunt. We couldnt get him out Me,Eday,Tom-Tom,and F.J. tried to get him out but we were either were to stoned or to drunk to reach himso we ran when we heard siren because if i get caught again my parole officer sad i go to jail. The police thinks i'm in a gang but really we just hang out cause we hate all the fuckers at our school. We split up Eday and Tom- Tom took North Avenue  and F.J. went east but i went South. I told them to text me when they are home safe.It was 3am i ran into the nearest club andhad some fun if you know what mean.WASTED.I'm on my way home to my family who doesn't understandshit about me. They want to pretend our homelife is perfect but it's not and hasn't been for the past 6 years since..since. Wow i really need some Alcohol now i refuse to think about that. I check my phone no texts it's been 4 hours. their dumbasses probably got caught. damn i swear if they snitch on me i beat the crap out of them and set their houses on fire. I walk through the front door at 6am.

"Mom" says " Oh honey, im so glad your safe i just got a call that your School burned down" she starts blubbering how she thought i was dead because i always hangout around the school. Their a reason i say it sarcasticly because she always acting for others.At her job she acts like her marriage is wonderful and her daughter is a straight A student headed for Harvard. Ha! like hell thats gonna happen. At least my dad is somewhat real he tells me im going to end up in a Atlanta State Prision in 5-10 years. He has told me that im a disgrace to our family.Psst i think he says that because call him Mr.Mom. Here i'll give you all the information neatly. I need to go upstairs to sleep in my spray painted room with black and red walls with a bed in the middle unmaded as usual. Sleep took over quickly thank god.

Normal P.O.V.


Rhonda Waters (37 yr old) Black, Brown eyes, Black hair recently died due to an outbreak of gray hair 

Job: Vice President of Atlanta Journal ( Works a 6am-6pm shift Monday thru Sunday)

She is a Control Freak, Fakest person on Earth. She has Affairs alot Mr.Mom pretends he doesn't care because he does too. The only person my mom isn't having an affair with is It's so stupid our house is empty usually 6am-1am.

Now that you know what my mom is like it's on to

Mr.Mom aka Dad:

Bruce Waters (44 yrs old) White,Green eyes, Light brown hair with gray highlight a natural effect. That's the nice way of saying he's pretty much extinct like a big Dinosaur.

Job: Pretending to be a supporting Husband

He is an Alcohlic but refuses to admit it. When he drinks lets just say you dont want to be a woman in a 50 mile radius. He gets what he wants from anyone except "mom". He always saying " A man has needs to woman".He calls his mom (Reeda Waters) every morning you would think the woman would get sick his mama's boy.

Well there's the background check.Back to the story...

 Cece P.o.v:

 Okay it's 9 in the morning nobody's called or text. I go downstairs dad is watch the news i never pay any attention to, but he was laughing. First of all i never everin my whole life seen him smile let alone laugh.Second what can be so damn funny on the news. I drop my orange juice its the mug shots of Eday,Tom-Tom and F.J. and a picture of a dead burnt Mack. How the hell all of them got caught is fucking werid. And oh boy does get any worse. Yes,yes it does


 Message me on whether or not i should continue

Thanks for reading this my first story.

Byeeee :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2011 ⏰

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