• Tweak Bros •

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' Seriously?' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. 'I hate the cold.'

"But Dad.. you know I hate the cold. Why did you have to pick here?" I said, in an annoyed tone, not wanting to sound ungrateful as I watched the climate outside of the car window slowly change from the blue, clear skies to grey and filled with full, heavy, clouds. I pulled up the blanket closer to me, waiting for a response, probably a blunt one anyways.

"Y/n, you know I liked it too where we were before. But i'm doing this for us, I was offered a better job." He said, not taking his eyes off of the road infront of him as they grew slimmer. One thing I realised about this place was that it was a smaller town, not a big city like I was also used to. The windscreen wipers moved pieces of fresh ice and snow off of the window, and I watched it clump up at the bottom while I moved my head and had it leaning against the window as my body slumped down in the chair.

"Well.. is the house nice?" I sighed. "At least?"
"Yes, I'd say so. It's a little bigger then our old one, and has a bigger garden, although I think that's because there's no pool." Dad said, this time looking over and smiling at me softly for a second before turning his attention back to the quiet road before him.
After a few moments of comfortable silence I saw the moving van parked up outside of a white house, opposite a dark purple house.

"Is this it?" I asked, with a little more energy then before. The cold snow landing on my forehead refreshed me and made me come to realise I would actually have to live with this weather until I could leave this small town.
"Yes. It snows all year round." My father chuckled.
"Your joking." I scoffed, copying my father and grabbing boxes from the van and carrying them in, placing them in what I could guess was the kitchen. At least I was right about that.

When all the boxes were in the kitchen, my dad led me around the house and allowed me to pick my own room, and I picked the one facing out onto the road. This was a small town, only a few other houses on my street, so I could just sneak out through the front as I was sure that if there was a high school here, then there had to be some teenagers on my road. I thought about my room layout as I brought my boxes to my room and placed them where I was planning on having the furniture. It was still a little early so I knew my dad or anybody he had hired would be able to build at least my bed today.

I took out my phone and pulled on the clothes my dad had given me, and told him I was going to try find a place I needed to find. A coffee shop. I didn't need to get ready as I had already been up for a few hours, so I looked okay. My phone took a while to power up to the new signal, and I guessed already that the service wouldn't be great in such a snowy place, but my maps worked fine enough. After some walking and seeing at least a few people my age, although they didn't notice me, I found a coffee shop. Tweak Bros. I recognised that name, i'm thinking it was what Leo had recommended. When I walked in, I smiled softly to myself as they had a bell similar to the one back home, I missed it already. A blonde boy sat behind the counter, looking bored yet also wide awake. Strange..

"H-Hi, welcome to Tweak Bros, I haven't seen you.. before" The blonde boy stuttered a little, seeming fidgety.
"Uh, yeah, sorry.. i'm new to town, but.. do you serve mochas here?" I asked, quietly, not wanting to say anything wrong which could potentially ruin a future friendship or would ruin my reputation before i'd even started at a school.
"Yeah, we .. do." He sighed, almost seeming relieved. I held a note in my hand ready to hand to him as he quickly finished up my drink and we exchanged items, and he gave me my change in a shaky hand.
"Bye, thanks!" I said, smiling.
"No problem.. gah!" I heard faintly.

'Okay then..' I thought, smiling at my interaction with a new person, but also slightly confused, and maybe a little scared.

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