Beauty is in Rouge

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 I am ugly.

It is not a fiction but a fact.

I am hideous.

With my textured skin, and small eyes.

I turn peoples heads as I walk.

My hips too small, my stomach too big.

I stay in a corner and hide.

And one day I have a plan.

To let go and wait.

For one day,

There will be a prince charming.

Who would look for me,

Not for my hips, or eyes.

But for my wit and strength.

But Alas, has it been 23 years

And not a single soul has come my way.

I try and try and try

But in the end . . nothing

People do say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder

But I have no one to hold me,

Or hug me

Cherish me

For I am just ugly.

So I have a plan

I will lose weight, wear cream, and try

And I do that

I wear rouge to make my cheeks look red

I use rouge to make my lips look red

I use rouge to make my eyes look big

After a while

My skin is smooth

My stomach is small

And my hips are just right

Men and Women now look at me and smile

As if I am a prize

But inside I hurt

As I know all my childish dreams about true love is a lie

And I am now ugly inside. 

A poetry Book for everyone.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin