The Rose

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White was the colour of the rose I meant to give you

Not red or yellow or pink

I just wanted you to have the purest rose

Before I moved away...

I may be naïve not knowing what to say

Shy and awkward and clumsy is my stroll

Wished I could be more with you

But I am to shy to say

Sure we were close as friends

But i thought of you more than that

We met at the alleyway

It was dark and I was alone

No family, friends, or a person with me

You stretched your hand

and grabbed me up

Saying why am I alone

I tell you my story

about my parents

who were once my family

About my friends

who were once my everything

about my dog

who once barked and ran

and about my teacher

who failed to notice me

A pity story really

hopeless was my future

or so I thought

until you wrapped your hand in mine

and said

"Every person has a fire in their eyes to survive in this world, you have to just find the coal to light a fire you deserve"

I laughed and cried

dint know why I did that

I felt weird

As it was the first time someone said something genuine

instead of fake sympathies

After I laughed and cried, I asked for your name

Wishing to be closer to this eccentric person

My name is "....." you say

And then you ask me if you could be my friend

I nod happy and bittersweet

I still fell these emotions to this day

As I write this in this letter

even though you are no longer here with me here today

I carry my letter to your grave

dig a small hole beside your coffin

and bury my letter there

I take the single rose in my hand

gently place it on the lid

My tears still never ending

I choke out the last six words I always wanted to say

I love you, and thank you 

A poetry Book for everyone.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें