Shitty Parents

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Verbal and physical abuse,

1st Pov
Viewing Leon:

"Okay, but why did it have to be my house?" I ask Chris incredulously, staring at the uncomfortable amount of people that somehow fit into my home... okay, well, it's only about 10 people, but having that many people in my house is still unnerving.

       Carlos, Helena, Nadia, and Jake all sit around the dinner table watching the intense match of "Beer Pong" between Jill and Claire ensue. All the while, Jake stares fire into the back of Piers' head as he's, seemingly, having a very pleasant conversation with my daughter Sherry off to the side of the kitchen by the drinks 4cabinet. Rebecca sits by the television, looking through my box of DVDs, trying to find a song. It's probably a slow jam since Rebecca is known to be a little bit of a romantic... not that she'll tell anyone.
        "Becasuse," Chris whines, forcing my attention back to him like the huge man baby he is, "It's bigger and the perfect place to trash and run. The government gives you a huge beautiful house on the remote countryside, and you don't even use it! I mean, just look at the walls. There as sterile as the local hospital." "Uh huh..." I stare at him, pointedly ignoring his comment about my house and greatly disbelieving that I even thought for a second it was a good idea to give him a spare key. "Whatever, just have the place clean before you guys leave. It was a long day of paper's and I'm not trying to clean up after all of you, too." I say, giving an all too fast relenting sigh.
Chris looks at me sympathetically... but still proceeds to ask the dumbest question tonight. "You're not gonna join us?" Playing an all too familiar card. The "Redfield Puppy Eyes Special". His deep brown and somewhat droopy eyes looking down at me through batting eyelids. Although on any other night I may have given in instantly, tonight it almost makes me wanna gag at the idea. If my leg weren't wrapped up, I would have sprinted up the stairs faster than Chris could say "Boulder" but thanks to my last mission and a really fat B.O.W, I could only roll my eyes at his antics and respond with a faux sadness in my voice. Or at least that's what I was planning to do until my doorbell chimed throughout the house. I glace at the fake wood door (which actually is a two-inch steel reinforced door courtesy of the government) and sharply turn to face Chris. "Really? Pizza, too?" I only get a sheepish grin and the quick scurrying of heavy set footing returning to the beer pong game in response...typical.

       I sighed and set down my bag next to the stairs case. The deep oak wood design was laid out recently, but incorrectly, considering the creak in a couple of the steps and a crooked bend noticable in others. The top and bottom step were the loudest though. Hell, I could hear it from my bedroom whenever Sherry got up and retrieved snacks from the kitchen late at night.
I guess I was lingering in my thoughts too long because there was another ring  from the doorbell. "Coming!" I say as I breathe through my rising agitation. Probably not saying it loud enough to pass through the door but not caring all the same.
I open the door, only slightly, but enough for a heavy foot to cram itself between the door and the wall. The words  "Lord only knows" and loud singing voices chirping in only register as background noise as "You're So Cold" by Mariah Carey rings through the living room speakers. Which was an unexpected choice from Rebecca, but what was even more unexpected was the fact that my shitty, abusive, and manipulative parents we're standing at my fucking doorstep with the most terrifyingly smug look on their faces.

3rd POV
Viewing Chris

Claire somehow manages to make a winning shot even though she's been wobbling off kilter the entire night and Jill had been on a streak not too long ago. But nonetheless, Chris is happy for his sister and gratefully squeezes her as she jumps on him in an overtly gleeful celebration. Although he does feel a little bad about invading Leon's home, Sherry gave him the okay, and who can say no to Sherry? Certainly not Chris. Besides, this was the rarest occasion on earth! All of them being off on break or leave at the same time! He just had to.
       He did look exhausted though, and Chris understands the feeling of repeatedly signing and doing paperwork all day, and his leg didn't look too good either, wrapped tightly in a thin layer of paper over some blatantly serious bruising. The state that Leon arrived in only seemed to pile onto his guilt quest... that is until the words "Lord only knows" breaks the happy atmosphere, and it goes from happy to full on ecstatic and Claire, Jill, Rebecca, Carlos, Helena, and Nadia all start shouting/singing the words with passion like no other.
But even past this energy and the light buzz of alcohol in Chris' veins, there's a frantic and angry sound coming from the outdoor area. Hell, how Chris can hear through the thick steel door and over the music and singing is beyond him, but he knows it must be LOUD.

       He rushes over to the speaker and flips the knob down until it's quiet enough to mimic a whisper. He get's a couple of "boo's" and "fuck you's" from the others but he just simply raises his hand, and that enough to shut them up, all having years of military training.

       He walks on steady feet towards the door, his nerves fraying, and listens intently, the others following him realizing the same problem, as the argument between Leon and who-knows picks up a notch.
"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?! YOU HUNTED ME DOWN FOR SOME BULLSHIT THAT WE BOTH KNOW ISN'T TRUE!" The frantic shouting made Chris flinch back and Claire stare at him with shocked confusion and worry. "Oh, give me a break! Like hell I would go out of my way to find some worthless piece of shit stain like you! If you missed us so much, then maybe you shouldn't have cried so much when we disciplined you! A bitch like you has no PLACE in this family if you can't even own up to what you did, even to this day!" Chris has no idea who "family" that is behind the door but his finger itched with the need to just shove their face into the ground. Though, it must've struck a cord with Leon because there's a moment of notable silence, and suddenly Chris' murderous intent grows 6 fold. There's a crinkle of paper and more shouting, but it all falls on deaf ears as there's a loud *SMACK* as if someone's be slapped and Chris fumes. He suddenly jolts upwards from his leaning position against the door and reaches for the handle, planning to yank it open and throw hands with whoever was out there, but a strong calloused grip holds him. He looks up at Piers, Piers' expression probably the same as his own, pale and ready to throw up at this sickwning "family reunion". But Chris understands Piers' worry and contains himself with the fact that Leon might hate him forever if he goes batshit crazy on whatever "family" is out there.

3rd POV
Viewing Claire

"Shit, no like seriously what the hell was that? Who the hell do those people think they are yelling at Leon like that? What does 'discipline' even mean?!" Claire shouts frantically, looking around the living room for just, any explanation. Her eyes were blown wide, and she's gripping all too tight at her hair, but she simply just can't contain her rising disgust. But from the looks of it, everyone is just as stumped as she is. "I thought all of his family died." Helena adds unhelpfully. Biting her hair out of some weird habit. "Yeah! Well I did too until THEY SHOWED UP AT HIS FUCKING DOOR STEP!" Jake shouts also unhelpfully. His teeth grinded so hard together. Claire thought his jaw might just snap. "Well, maybe he could tell us when he comes in." Chris adds actually helpfully. Looking distressed yet somehow kept together. Everyone else either mumbles an agreement, fidgets nervously, or stares distantly, waiting for Leon's return. Claire nerves were on end, and after nearly 10 minutes of waiting, she spins on her heel. A few protest ready to spill off her friends' opening mouths, and she's about to make way for the door before the knob turns and in a comes an exhausted and beat-down looking Leon. His usually perfectly laid hair is tussled about, and there's red splotches painting his unusually pale cheeks, nose and eyes. His eyes seem almost distant as he steps in through the living room on his way to the stairs. His unsteady steps pause as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, a shaky hand reaching to grip the railing like a lifeline. "I want you all out. Now, please." -and shit. Leon never begs, not even for his goddamn LIFE. Who the hell could that have been. "Leon..." Claire hears Chris say, breathlessly taking in Leon unsatisfying condition. Her gaze shifts to Chris as he approaches Leon in a slow, steady rhythm, like you would a scared animal. Leon stares at him with a brick wall in his eyes, which isolates his emotions. Chris reaches out and gently places his hand on the railing atop of Leon's. Claire strains to hear  Chris ask, "Who-... who was that Leon?" There's a pause. Before Leon's exterior breaks and all of the sadness and pain finally shine bright in his eyes with unshed tears. He takes a few notable, shakey breaths. "My mother and father have officiated the deed, which was mistakenly labeled Leon Kennedy rather than Leon S. Kennedy and now own the rights to the house. Which means you should all go. Now. Sherry, pack your things we leave at dawn." He says, his voice losing all emotions as if he were relaying a report after a mission. It sickened Claire and probably did everyone else based on the horror and anger blatantly showing on everyone's face. Without warning, Leon yanks his hand away from Chris', a paper slipping from his pocket in the process, and stumbles up the stairs slaming his bedroom door shut. With a haste in her step, Claire's walks over and opens the paper up, eyes highlighting the words, "Owner: Leon Kennedy."

"What the fuck."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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