Chapter 2- Rich people have really long driveways

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Percy stared down the devil box.

It was a sleek, thin rectangle, with several different ports on the left side. The milky white of the Apple logo sat square in the middle of the silver surface.

Percy placed his hand on its front edge, hesitating. He flipped it open, the screen remained black for a few moments before loading the login screen. Thankfully, it auto filled his password, he could almost never remember it on his own.

Then, tragedy struck. A pop-up appeared, asking for the wifi password. Luckily, Percy had the password written on a sticky-note posted on the wall above his desk.

"H9l73c2EA," He typed carefully. Incorrect.

"Hy178c2EA," He tried again. But once more, 'Incorrect' blazed across the screen in a bright red.

"Hy173cz3A," Incorrect.

"H9l78c234," Incorrect.

He tried several other arrangements of the characters, before "Hyl78cz34," finally caused the pop-up to disappear.

He opened a browser, it took several minutes to load. Then he opened a tab and typed in "Jason Tod." He quickly learned many things from his search.

First; It was spelled "Todd" not "Tod".

Second; this Jason Todd was the second adopted son of one of Gotham's wealthiest men, Bruce Wayne. And he had quite an interesting life.

Third; Wayne Manor was hiring.

Percy read through the job description. Apparently, the butler of Wayne Manor, Alfred Pennyworth, was looking for an assistant of sorts. It sounded pretty easy, had decent pay, and it would be a convenient way to get more info on Jason Todd. So, Percy uploaded his resume—subsequently waiting five minutes for it to load—and clicked 'apply'.

A message popped up saying that he would receive an email arranging an interview if his resume was satisfactory. All he could do now was wait.


Alfred skimmed the resume of a "Perseus Jackson". It appeared to be normal, but he had learned to always do a little more research into people. What he found on this kid was not normal.

Kidnapped at 12, a missing stepfather, disappearing almost every summer from ages 12-18, switching schools almost every year due to expulsion for various reasons. Including, but not limited to; firing a cannon at a school bus, an incident involving a shark tank in an aquarium, and starting a fire in a school kitchen. He had also disappeared for about 10 months, appearing in Greece and Rome before returning through unknown means to New York.

However, it had been years since any of these incidents had taken place. So, Alfred decided to give him a chance and shot him an email about arranging an interview.


Several days later, Percy got an email, asking him to go to Wayne Manor for an interview in a few days if possible. He sent a response confirming he was available on Tuesday.


On Tuesday, Percy donned his cleanest, nicest clothes. A pair of black jeans and a flower-patterned button up which his mother had given him.

His GPS approximated that it was a twenty-minute walk, so, as logic would dictate, he left twenty minutes before he needed to be there. However, what he didn't consider, was that rich people with big houses have really long driveways.

The grey cement seemed to go on forever as Percy made the trek up. It took a good five minutes, meaning he was five minutes late.

He rang the doorbell and only had to wait a few moments before it was opened. The person who stood in the doorway was an older man.

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