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Occupation: Sorcerer/Warlord.

Affiliations/Relationships: Jack Sullivan (Apprentice/Ally, initially), Bardle (minor rival), June Del Toro (Apprentice/Ally, initially), Rezzoch (Patron), Dirk Savage (Apprentice/Ally, initially), Quint Baker (Apprentice/Ally, initially)

Enemies/Rivals: Jack Sullivan, Bardle, June Del Toro, Dirk Savage, Quint Baker.

Love Interest: Currently Unknown.

Age: 30's - 40's

Height: Unknown. Within the range of 6 - 8 feet.

Body-type: Mesomorph

Species(Appearance): They share many similarities to lizardfolk, but are far more humanoid; biologically and mentally. Similar to reptile species in the real world, their physical appearances vary. For example, individuals with stronger genetics might have a tail similar to a crocodile. Their tails happen to be prehensile, basically giving them a third hand & arm. 

Another thing relating to strength/genetics would be the length of one's quills. The quills take the place of what humans have as hair, and fluctuate based upon the intensity of the current emotion. The starting length of one's quills is determined based upon the parent's strength when they were conceived. They're lengthened by physical strength they get over the years. 

Unlike the lizardfolk, they have a far more extensive and potentially complex color palette. If both parents are a solid color, there's a small chance that their offspring would be a complex swirl of the two. 

Physical Appearance:  He's a reptilian man with rose-quart colored scales, and carmen-colored quills. He's a rather bulky fellow, considering a muscular body type. From his years of sorcery and battle, he's gained many scars with wonderous stories. His eyes are a fiery amber, yet carry a fatherly presence. Thrull's quills, at the shortest, are down to his knees. His tail's at about 2/3's of his quill's length, and extremely bulky as well. 

Headcanons/Fanfiction Details: Yes, this motherfucker can purr; why? Because why not? He refuses to admit it, but he absolutely melts when his significant other shows him even the slightest amount of affection, and some might even say he's a bit clingy. 

If his significant other is injured, he will literally make a whole ass public execution, and make sure the victim's there to witness it. Afterwards, he's in an extremely panicked state; refusing to leave their side. 

He will aggressively hug you if the two of you had been separated for over 12 hours, and then be even more watchful for at least a month. Oh, and he'll likely murder your ex in the most volatile sense known to man! 

He will carry you with his tail if he can't do so with his arms. Why? Because he simply enjoys holding you. He won't do anything you're not okay with, though! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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