Chapter Seven: Caught Again

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It was around midnight when you left your dorm with your equipment. You were on your way to the park to shoot a video. You didn't bring your big ring light only because it will draw attention and you didn't want to change it. Instead, you brought a small ring light that would go around your phone. You could also change the brightness of it.

You park your car and head inside. As you walk down the concrete road, there were a lot of street lights on.

"This might be difficult..."

You walked around for a few minutes and searched for a dark hidden area. You found a corner filled with trees and minimal lighting. You walk over to it, thinking it could be deeper but it stopped to the fence. You take off your bag and looked around. You take out your camera and stand to set it up. You laid down a huge black blanket and started to get to work. You turn on the camera making sure it doesn't show your face this time.

"It could be more thrilling if they don't see my face right?"

You place your small ring light near the lower half of you. You show them that you bought a new toy. It was a small vibrator with a cord attached to the remote of it. You lay down in doggie style and place the vibrator inside. You let out a light moan and set it to a low setting. It felt nice to try this new toy out. You take a look around to make sure no one was coming. Once it was clear, you continued to do your thing. You start to set the setting higher and higher with each moan. Although it felt nice, it wasn't enough. You start thinking about last night with Professor Al. Although he was an asshole, he sure knew how to fuck you good. You set it to the highest setting and your legs were about to give out. You start thinking about how he kisses your neck and his hands trail your body, how he picks up the pace with you and makes you feel good inside, and how he gives you that look, the look of greed. You moan a tad bit loud, reaching your climax. You pull out the vibrator and laid on your blanket.

You then realized that you were thinking about Professor Al. You cover your hands in pure embarrassment.

"What the fuck Y/N?! No, no, I can't be thinking about him. He's a total jerk!"

"Is this what your into?"

That voice sounded too familiar. You look up slowly and see Professor Al standing in front of you. You were caught again by this man.

"Professor Al?! What are you doing here?!"

You realize your bare ass was showing and you quickly cover yourself up. You've slept with him a few times but you weren't on that level of comfortable to just leave it out for him to see.

"Me? I was just sitting on the bench reading my book when I heard some groans coming from this direction. It sounded like a kitten so I went to go look. I wasn't too far off now that I found where the groans were coming from."

"Haha funny. You can leave now, I'll cover my mouth so you won't hear."

He leans against the tree and crosses his arms.

"You know this is illegal right?"

"I'm well aware Professor."

You try to remove the covers but he continued to stare at you.

"What?" You said in confusion.

He bends down and looks at you once more. He leans in closer and says,

"Why don't I give you a hand?"

You lean back in shock.

"No no it's alright...let's just add this to our agreement..."

He grabs your face to force you to look at him. He comes a bit closer to you and leans in near your lips.

"Wait is he going to?!..."

He lets you pull away, forbidding the kiss to happen.

"Aren't you still recording?"

You then turn to your camera and realize, your still recording. You slap your forehead lightly and face him. It was going to be a pain to edit him out.

"I'm sorry, I'll just edit you out somehow-"

"Why stop?"

You stare at him.

"Did he just...?"

His hands trail down to your neck and squeezed it. You moan softly as you feel yourself getting wet again. He trails his hands downwards and removes the blanket over your legs. He touches your inner thighs, letting you know to spread them wide. You spread your legs, revealing your entrance. He continues to go down and inserts one finger inside of you. You lean your head back and feel a hand behind your head. He was using his hand as a pillow for you. You give him and look as he puts another finger inside of you. You start to moan as he does magic tricks inside of you. You grip the blanket out of pleasure. You hear the sound of wet noodles squishing together. You were so wet. He sticks one last finger inside of you and goes in deeper. You arch your back and look at him. You wanted him. You wanted something bigger. As he fingers you a few more times, you look at him and climax. It felt so good.

He takes out his fingers and grabs a cloth from his suit. He wipes his hand and covers the blanket over you. He turns off the camera and looks at you. You were already so sleepy, you didn't want to move.

"Make sure to leave within the next 10 minutes. Hobos start coming here finding a place to sleep."

He gets up and walks away. You stare at him walking away. He gloomed good from the back. You turn your head and look up at the sky. You start to think about Professor Al and your earlier thoughts about him. You cover your face and sigh.

"What is wrong with me?"

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