parts 1-3

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It starts in the city of Lincolnbold where we find 3 people sitting at a table at the jumping goat tavern 2 dwarves and a human their names respectively are brothers Rachen and Kimboth and James a long-time friend of the 2.

Rachen and Kimboth are 3'9 and 3'8 respectively with dark brown hair and beards almost as long as their body's tan skin. Rachen has emerald green eyes and Kimboth has dark blue eyes. James is 6 '1 and has light blue eyes and shaggy gray hair he has a lesser tan on his skin than the other 2 with scars all over his body.

The tavern had pictures of the most heroic of their patrons our heroes are not up there yet. There is also a large goat head mounted where you can see it when you walk in. There is a live stage almost always full of singers, jesters, or an occasional wizard. The table that they are sitting at is made of old oak the table had to have been 30 or 40 years old.

"Let's buy get some provisions and some gear for later you can't know what to expect in this line of work." Said James "Agreed," said Rachen "All right just let me finish my fuckin ale." Kimboth muttered.

They head out of the tavern and head into the city of Lincolnbold it smells like hot metal and ale. There is a statue of the king of Arwendel made of solid gold.

They walked for a quarter mile past bakeries, breweries, and a few markets where they stopped to get potions, firewood, and some flint and steel. They finally got to the blacksmith and they bought a battle axe for Rachen, a war hammer for Kimboth, James a sword, and a shield with a dagger on the bottom. They also bought some armor made with the finest materials they could find.

And they were off to the fields. they worked for about 6 and a half hours Where they had no problems.

but on their way back they were jumped by 4 bandits who tried to rob them. but they fought hard and when James grabbed one he stabbed him in the knee and knocked him out with a swift right hook to the jaw Kimboth handled 2 of them with his hammer by breaking one's leg and the other's arms and hip the last one had fled after he saw what happened. Still, Rachen didn't let him get away and swung his axe into his midsection. His guts spilled everywhere "You're not supposed to kill him, man how the fuck are we going to explain this to the judge. Welp I guess we can say it was self-defense yall ok" said James "I'm fine." said Kimboth. "Just got cut up but other than that I'm good," said Rachen. They then checked their belongings and found a drawing of the statute of the King. "wonder why that's there" said James confused. "Maybe there is another picture or something among those lines," said Kimboth.

And they started the walk home. When they were walking Kimboth noticed a troll around 2 miles away but it wasn't doing anything so they kept walking.

then a storm hit and they had to find shelter so they ran as fast as possible. They then found a cave inside a hill that seemed safe at the moment so they slept for 3 hours. they were then awoken by a ginormous bear 10 feet tall with claws bigger than carrots. Rachen ran at it and got hit across the cave into a wall and was knocked out. Kimboth then ran to his brother to see if he was alive. James went behind it and jumped on top of it and stabbed it in the guts it then fell over and he stabbed it in the head to be sure.

They checked to see if it was light out and it was. So they dragged the bear to town and skinned it to make clothes to sell for profit.

They then walked to the statue of the King of Arwendel and looked around for the paper or something. And they found on the tip of the spear a map to the tallest mountain in all of Hunan mt. Kelbor, with an elevation of 339,029 feet, and some account that they woke up in another part of the mountain or said it felt alive. "Nope, I'm not doing this that place takes 300 lives a year I'm not joining that statistic" interjected Kimboth trying not to look too scared but everyone saw his ruse and didn't believe him. "I guess you won't get all the money that's probably hidden there I mean why would those thieves randomly carry that paper if they didn't know that was going to be there so are you still sure." James theorized. "Yeah, true fine I'll come with I guess" responded Kimboth. "alright let's go to the trader to get some horses and other stuff." so they bought their gear and went off to where they would possibly get richer than anyone alive if their fates were good.

                                                                                        Part 2

                                                                        Arrival At The Mountain

The group had been riding for a day talking about what they would use the money for, like a new house, starting a business, or making new technology. They took a turn and they stood at the foot of the mountain. "Finally we have arrived gentlemen, now we have to go all the fucking way up." Kimboth said "Should have stayed home dammit." he mumbled.

Then a stranger came up to them and said "Goin' up to blood mountain I see welp have fun dying if the mountains even give you that" He then started laughing almost sounding inhuman.

they started walking to get away from that man. suddenly started storming hard and they started running as fast as they could the rain getting harder and harder. They started looking for a cave or anything to hide under. "SHIT THAT FUCKING HURTS!" Kimboth yelled in pain he was in so much pain he was starting to sob.

"Come on it doesn't hurt that bad now stop your weeping and keep on going, I think I see a tree we can rest under it's roughly 100 feet away. Now GO!" James responded to Kimboth's cries.

They rushed to the gigantic tree and set up a campsite for the evening.

                                                                                        Part 3

                                                                                 The Next Day

When they woke up they thought it wouldn't be raining still but when they woke up it was still raining just more of a mist instead of the hail of last night. "At least we won't have to listen to my brothers whining over the rain as much hehe" Rachen Joked at his brother. "Oh fuck you asshole," Kimboth said to his brother.

"Heh, that was kinda funny," James said to the other 2.

"Shut up James you jackass" Kimboth laughed.

Then suddenly a creature jumped out at them, it first jumped at Kimboth and started mauling at his face giving him scars he will never get rid of.

"Get the fuck off of my brother you little shit" Rachen roared at the little creature before grabbing a little dagger off of it and stabbing it in the throat over and over its blood gushing out of the jugular.

James grabbed the necklace off of the thing and put it on when he had a vision.

James had seen so many things he would never repeat until after the journey except for one thing he saw his mother the woman who he had never met it felt like they talked for ages. in real time it was a second he screamed right after the vision, He then told them everything about their conversation. James commented on the necklace "Maybe it has magical properties I mean I saw my dead mom." Then suddenly a great sword came out of the necklace. "Holy shit I can make shit wait let me try something," James said. Make me an obsidian sword he thought to himself than the sword was made. "FUCK YEAH IT WORKED LETS FUCKING GO!" James yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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