Scenario 1: Dinner

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Narrator PoV:

I just finished recording a military reaction video with Mully, it was around 18:00pm in the evening. I could smell the distant scent of food... I put down my headset and walk out of my office into the Hall. "Y/N? Is that you down there making dinner?" I questioned. "Yeah Dad! It's almost Done!" I hear my daughter shout with glee. I walk down the stairs and sit on the couch in the living room looking through tiktok.

Y/N PoV:

I was making dinner for us, it smelled delicious, when I heard my Dad shout from upstairs "Y/N is that you down there making dinner?". "Yeah Dad! It's almost done!" I replied, I hear him sit down on the couch.

**time skip to when dinner is ready**

Still Y/N's PoV:

Dinner was ready to be plated up, I created a tomato soup because it was one of the only things I knew how to make (if you know how to make more just change it, it's you we talking about here💀). "Dad! Can you help set the table?" I shouted. "I'm coming Honey bunches! Hold on!"

Narrators PoV:

I was still watching dark humor tik toks on my phone when I heard a shout coming from the kitchen. "Dad! Can you help set the table?", it was my child -Y/N. "I'm coming Honey bunches! Hold on!" I responded. I waltz into the kitchen sliding my phone into my pocket and grab table mats from the drawer, also picking up the cutlery. Laying the table evenly, Y/N brought two bowls of Soup (or whatever you want to eat) and placed them on the table. "Here you are dad!" Y/N said as they were sitting down. "Thank you Honey bunches, it looks amazing :)" their face lit up with pure joy when I said that.

Y/N PoV:

My dad came into the kitchen as soon as I asked him to help, he layed the table evenly -making sure it was perfect- as I placed the food down. "Here you are dad" I exclaimed hoping he'd like it. "Thank you Honey bunches, it looks amazing :)" he said, my face lit up as bright as the sun with joy.

Book Of Dad Narrator ScenariosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang