Friends and Feelings

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"Seems like you made quite a friend out there, Lauren."

Bigun chuckled when he saw Lauren looking out the door, and she nodded before heaving a sigh. After she promised that she still would be friends with the lads, Bigun chuckled as he patted her shoulder and assured her that he didn't mind her choosing Erin over the others. He went on to explain how he understood her need for a companion who could be somewhat similar to her, especially since he and the lads had their contrasting personalities. When Lauren asked if she could make dinner for everyone, Bigun shook his head and insisted that she should relax, guiding her to the couch as he spoke.

"But, Bigun... I'm completely capable of cooking!"

"I know, but you've worked your whole life, so you deserve to stay out of the kitchen. Please, Lauren... take a break!"

With a sigh of defeat, Lauren nodded before resting on the couch, after which Bigun draped a blanket onto her. After thanking him for his help, Lauren rolled over on the couch and fell asleep, where she dreamed of dancing some more with Erin. As she slept, Lauren started to notice how happy she was at the mere thought of Erin, along with what felt like her heart skipping a few beats, and she was confused about why those two things would happen. It was at that moment when she felt a finger tapping her shoulder, causing her to blink her eyes as she woke out of her dream.

"It's time for dinner, Lauren! Gotta get up!"

After rubbing her eyes and pulling the blanket off of her, Lauren smiled when she saw Slick looking at her before slowly sitting up. Once he helped her get onto her feet, Lauren walked with Slick to the dining room table, where he even pulled her chair out for her before pushing it in when she sat. Dinner that night was a delicious spaghetti meal, and Lauren was halfway done with her first plate when Dapper asked her what she did that day, to which she blushed as she talked about Erin. She made sure not to take over the discussion, but the others could tell by the twinkle in Lauren's eyes that Erin was more than just a new friend.

Once dinner was done, Youngun gathered the dishes before taking them to the sink, and he was cleaning them as the other lads got ready for bed. Lauren wasn't feeling sleepy yet, so she was starting to clean the table when Heartthrob held her hand as a way to stop her, and she sighed as she got the hint. With a smile, Heartthrob led her back to the couch before fluffing the pillow for her as she sat down, and Slick even hurried upstairs before getting her basket of clothes for her. After thanking Slick for his help, Lauren threw the blanket over her body before changing into her nightgown, and she put her old clothes into her basket when she was done. She was about to lie down and sleep, but that was when she looked up and saw Youngun approaching her.

"Are you comfy, Lauren? The other lads want to make sure you're okay."

"Yes, I'm good, Youngun. Thank you for checking on me... and don't worry about my old clothes, since I can wash those tomorrow."

With another shake of his head, Youngun picked up Lauren's old laundry before assuring her that he and the lads would take care of everything, to which she sighed before lying down and rolling over. Even though she giggled as Youngun kissed the top of her head in his innocent way, Lauren couldn't understand why nobody wanted her to help, especially after years of doing nothing but work. After laying on the couch and trying to sleep for about an hour or so, as well as knowing that her nap earlier ruined her sleep schedule, Lauren realized that her mind wouldn't settle down. With that, she sat up and headed to the kitchen to make herself some tea, and she did it as quietly as she could before sitting by the electronic fireplace in the living room.

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