Chapter 3

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~18 years old~

I was slammed to the wall and I letted go of my mom's medicine and I looked at Mary who was being a stupid shark like always. I know am weak but at least can't I go get something I was sent to fetch. Why do I have to get in trouble all the time?

"I told you I will take it... Mom doesn't need a problem with you" Mary said to  me coldly

I pushed her and I grabbed mom's medicine and I swam fast something Mary doesn't have I was almost there and thats when I saw dad and I stopped real quick getting my hair all in my face and I moved it away and I looked at dad who smiled at me.

I smiled and handed him the medicine he made me fetch and he gladly took it Mary bumped with me making dad sigh but he smiled  at us and leaded us in front of the room were we heard mom scream in pain while some mer-doctors tried to calm her and try and let her survive to our new born sister.

After I while dad was swimming back and forth really worried while I sat on the floor waiting and Mary looked at the door as she was about to burst into tears. I wanted to cry as well but I know mom would be ok.

"I hope mom makes it" Mary said as she looked at the door

I had to ask "Dad? Was mom this sick when she gave birth to me?"

"No it was in the day she gave birth to YOU" Mary answered as she swam to me and pointed at me "You are the cause of her sickness..."

"Mary that's enough" dad tried to stop her

I stood straight as tears wanted to come out "You... This is all your fault!"

"Mary I told you thats enough!" dad was getting mad

"You should have died when you were born" Mary yelled at me making my heart sink and stop at her words

I went to the corner and  staid there Mary was mad and she staid far away from me as she could. Dad tried to get close to me but I just looked away I held in the coughs I could listen to the whispers about me being a useless Princess and being a River Mermaid that I am not suppost to be here.

I held on to my tail and staid there dad look sad but I am tired of being held and conforted when nobody wants me. The doctor came out with my baby sister in hands I smiled but I didn't get close afraid of it becoming like me.

Dad saw and he was more than worried Mary went and grabbed the baby but the doc had told us that mom didn't make it that mom had lost a lot of energy and her heart had given out when  our new sister came out. That made dad look like if he had being stabbed in the heart.

I wanted to see her but I wanted her to be safe away from me. She might get contagious with my sickness. She being a marely a day old she might get my sickness. Am sorry baby sister.

I looked at the doctor "I told you... This would have never happened you should have died"

My eyes wide with my sisters words dad looked at her "Mary!!"

"No dad am tired of you protecting her why can't she just die its her fault mom died" Mary looked at dad with anger

"Moisha don't listen to her... You can help Melody grow up she will need you with her..." Dad said with a smile

"Melody is not getting close to the sick River Mermaid she can leave Melody alone so know move it River Sickness leave and die alone like your supposed to do" those words made my heart brake my eyes wide I was scared I didn't know what to do

My own sister wanted me dead everything stopped my whole life was a dead end and I needed to leave. Is Bruce and Malcom like that as well? Do they think am a sickness? Maybe it is my fault mom died.

I swam out of there and Mary waved good bye at me making me cry and swam away I heard a slap so I looked back and I saw a hand print on Mary's cheek as father took Melody from her hands and dad looked at me he tried to swim towards me but I still felt broken by her words so I swimmed away. Away from them I wanted to be in the river I felt the cough trying to come out but I stopped at the view of a small girl and almost a teen dolphin playing. I felt calm and I wanted to play as well but I couldn't.

I saw the dolphins pack swim around the small girl I looked sad and I swam to the border. No mermaid can pass it not even my new sister and father. I began to swim again I wanted to be in the cold water.

I was reaching the border when I saw something I could never understand my necklace was touching the floor. I was confused I remember that the boy took it.

I still remember his face when I sang my song all I could do was hyde underwater but for some reason he was really cute but I couldn't speak to him I was to scared.

~19 years old~

I opened the necklace and I saw her face I felt something inside me and I wanted to see her so I left my house quickly and I ran to the river but when I got there I didn't see her and I felt sad. I sat in the rock by the river I heard some bushes move and I didn't want to look but I was ready to fight the person who followed me.

Suddenly I was held down and the necklace left my hands and into the water I tried to reach for it but I ended up being bitten and I felt my blood being taken away from my body. I tried to pull the person of me and when I did I quickly kicked it and it looked at me and I looked at it.

My eyes wide when I saw those blood red eyes, fangs and he looked mad making me gulp. I heard someone scream a name and that made the boy look scared but he looked at him and bit his wrist blood came out of him.

I tried to stay away from him but then he appeared in front of me and slammed his bleedy wrist into my mouth warm blood passed my mouth and down my throat. Everything burned and the boy took his hand away and smiled at me but then disappeared I clenched my stomach everything was burning and it hurt so mush.

It felt like an eternity but it was 10 minutes the pain had disappeared and I went back home before sun up. I made it there and i laid in my bed.

The next day I saw my eyes flash back and forth until they staid in my original color I prepared myself for some air but dad started with shit making me glare at him. I haven't left because I can't afford a house so I stay here but I would end up punching the fuck outta him.

My phist ready to connect with his face but I breathed in and walked away from him and went outside and saw my friends. I gulped and went to them and we had fun for a bit we rode the car for a bit and went to drink for a bit I needed something to drink but not alcohol I needed blood but I am not killing to get it.

I was scared of myself but I needed to be me not some idiotic phycho killer that appears in the news every time someone dies.

Every day that passed the pain was subsidding but the urge to kill someone was getting stronger. I wasn't scared but I was feeling worried in killing people. Dad walked in the room and started with shit and I just looked at him as I hissed in pain and growled softly. Dad stopped talking and touched my aching body and I heard him gasp and I knew he must have felt my tempeture.

He left and brought and ice pack and my step-brother the fan. They made me feel less pain but I wanted to be left alone.

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