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Faith's P.O.V.

My gaze was on the fields that passed me by. For at least three hours I had been sitting in this small car, which barely had room in the footwell. The driver had also started ignoring me, as I had been asking every ten minutes when we would be there. Rude guy, I thought to myself.

I noticed how my eyes were getting heavier and heavier and I would have liked to just fall asleep, but I didn't trust the driver. He would end up kidnapping me or something. Maybe some people think I'm strange now, but you could never be too careful, my life so far had shown me that. John Green was absolutely right with his book 'the fault in our stars'. I could attest to it, for fate had taken away all that was important to me.

My thoughts lingered on my parents. I still couldn't believe how it had come to this. I lived with them until I was nine, but then fate came along and took everything away from me. Today I am 16 and the last years I spent in an orphanage, because my parents died about seven years ago.

Today, however, a new phase of my life was to begin. At the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. To be honest, until today I had no idea why this change of school should take place at all. I didn't understand, but the headmistress said it would be better for me, so I gave in. It couldn't be that bad.

The car came to a stop. "We are here. You can get out." The driver had turned to me and then left the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and then got out as well. I was handed my bags by the driver and then he got back in and drove off.
My eyes fell on the big building in front of me and I took a deep breath before I started walking. I dragged my luggage behind me. A blonde woman came up to me. She eyed me for a while, which made me a little nervous, but then smiled kindly. "Good afternoon, you must be Faith, right?" I nodded briefly and she continued speaking. "I'm Caroline Forbes-Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman and I opened this school and are the headmasters here, however I'm not always here. Alaric is waiting for us in his office so we can discuss anything formal."

She opened the large front door and held it open for me to enter. I looked into the entrance hall in amazement. I could see a few students smiling kindly at Mrs. Forbes-Salvatore and giving me curious glances. They whispered briefly, but then returned to their activities. Mrs. Forbes-Salvatore led me through the various corridors and then went through an open door. I followed her. Behind a table I could spot a man who was probably a little older than herself. He got up from the chair he had been sitting in, looked at me as Mrs. Forbes-Salvatore had done before, and then held out his hand to me. "Welcome, I'm Alaric Saltzman."

I took his hand and shook it lightly. "Hi, I'm Faith." I said. My voice wasn't very loud as I was quite nervous. What if I didn't fit in here? A girl from my home told me that this school was only for snobs who all had rich parents and were conceited. Of course I wanted to make up my own mind, but if she was right, then this was going to be a tough time.

"Well, let's sit down first. I'm sure we can sort everything out that way." Mrs Forbes-Salvatore sat down on an armchair and gestured for me to do the same. Mr Saltzman settled down in the seat behind his desk. A stack of sheets lay in front of him and he took a pen in his hand, then started to fill something in. It took him a while to start talking again. "We've only been given the most necessary information so far, so now I'm going to ask you some questions." I nodded and he started. "So your name is Faith Grace Harper, you're sixteen years old and you lived in Saint Ausgustine before, right?" Again I nodded.

He asked a few more questions, but I stumbled at one, not knowing the answer. He had asked me what kind of being I was.

"Excuse me, but I don't understand." Uncertain, I looked at him. Then Mrs Forbes-Salvatore took the floor. "We have been told by your home's management that you have shown various abilities, but we have not been told a being, so we ask. What are you?"

Still I understood nothing. "I still don't understand. What do you mean by being?"

I didn't miss the look the two adults exchanged, but I ignored it. It certainly wasn't important. "So you know which creature you are? We have vampires, werewolves, witches, a phoenix and a tribrid here too."

Was she pulling kidding me right now? "Well, I don't want to sound rude or anything, but there are no vampires or these other creatures. And what makes you think I'm any of them?"

"Faith, you don't know anything about them?" My gaze went back to Mr. Saltzman and he frowned for a moment, then sighed. "I guess you need to know a few more things before you can move into your room." Mrs. Forbes-Salvatore agreed with him with a nod and began to tell me. What she told me sounded absolutely absurd to my ears at first, but eventually a few pieces of the puzzle came together that had previously just been lying around scattered about.

"So that means that all these beings here go to school together and I'm one of them?" I asked and they both nodded. It was all hard to digest and I had a thousand questions despite some of them being answered.

"Maybe we should continue tomorrow. I think you need a little more time to understand and let it all sink in. I nodded gratefully and both Mrs Forbes-Salvatore and Mr Saltzman stood up. "We'll show you to your room now, then you can unload a suitcase and set everything up. Tomorrow after breakfast we would show you around. By the way, dinner will be in the dining room in an hour. Since it's on the way, we'll show it to you so you can find your way later."

"Everything I never had" ᵗʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ ˡᵉᵍᵃᶜⁱᵉˢ ᶠᶠWhere stories live. Discover now