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I was walking home from school. It was a rainy day, so the road was full of worms. I tried to avoid them by walking away. I am afraid of them, obviously.
As I was walking in the middle of the road, not know what was going to happen, I kept day-dreaming about the competition the next day.
Suddenly, I froze as a black car was coming towards me. I couldn't move away. I felt paralyzed. As i turned my head to the side, my eyes caught my sister's eyes, staring at me in shock while i got crushed.
I could still hear the screams around me, fading slowly. Then some ambulances rushed to the place. But no one could save me. I died

At school in our classroom fell a mortal quietness.
A boy enters the room. As he was wandering through it, he asked:
- Is something wrong? Why is everyone so quiet?
A girl, the one who always knows everything, answers:
- Didn't you hear?
- No? Did someone die? he said jokingly
- Yes actually!
- Who?
- Lia died! I can't believe you didn't know that yet!

*the boy's POV*
My whole world came crashing down. After knowing her so many years, here she is, dead. I mean, it could be a prank right? What if it is? I mean Lia is the type of girl to pull of pranks.
But it's still not right. I wish she was here. I want to finally tell her how i feel. I want to hug her again. I want to just be with her again. Why am I so dumb? Why couldn't I tell her before?

- Are you okay?
I snapped back to reality.
- Yeaah, im just a bit overwhelmed.
- If you say so.
- Wait! But who told you that Lia died? Her aunt would've told my mom if she knew.
- I don't know. I heard from some relatives I have in the neighborhood the accident was. But are sure you're okay?
- I just feel a little bad, thanks though.


*the boy's
It rained on the day of her funeral. It was like the sky felt bad. Just being there, next to my loved one, lifeless underground, made me break down into a million pieces. I didn't want to be there. I never imagined I would do such thing.

*lia's POV*

As I laid underground lifeless, I could see the tears streaming down the faces of my loved ones. My heart ached as I witnessed the sorrow and devastation that my passing had caused. I was just a young girl, full of dreams and aspirations, and now I was gone, leaving behind a trail of shattered hearts.

As I transitioned into the afterlife, I felt a sense of peace and serenity. The pain and suffering that had plagued me during my time on Earth dissipated, and I was enveloped in a comforting embrace of light and warmth. I realized that I was no longer bound by the physical constraints of my mortal body, and my spirit was free to roam.

As the days turned into weeks, I saw the ripple effect of my absence. My classmates gathered in somber circles, reminiscing about the good times we had shared. I realized that I had touched more lives than i have ever imagined. My heart was full of gratitude.


I usually sit at night on the shores of the sea. I've always had a passion for singing. Sometimes when people walk by run terrified while I stand there giggling.

Now that I'm gone, the world seems to be a better place. There is no one to prank my friends anymore, no one to fight with my sister.

Just a left memory.

After a while, people let me go and moved on. Some still come looking for me in the clouds. Every time It rains, I see my old friends outside. The hole my old presence has left is slowly filling in. After all I'm just a left memory.


R point of view

Today it was a special day for our school. There was a new girl. Kind, shy and cute. She reminded me so much of Lia. I still can't believe that just like that she's gone. Yesterday marked 7 months since the accident. Time went by so quickly. The new girl had long hair and bangs, just like Lia. Sometimes I found myself comparing them both. They are similar though. Her voice sounds perfectly like Lia's.

*the boy's POV*

One of Lia's old friends called me today. As I picked up the phone, she greeted me like nothing happened. She then proceeded to ask:
- What happened to Lia? Why isn't she picking up?
- Seriously, Nari? After 7 months? You are calling her just now? Maybe even more time.
- I was busy with school. What, is she mad at me for not answering?
- You were busy with school while your best friend was dying? What a good friend you are.
- This has to be a joke? And why didn't anybody tell me?
- Excuse me? You were the one who ignored Lia for months with your 'school work'. I understand. But you must've seen Lia. She wanted to talk to you. Even if it was for a little bit. And no, it's not a joke. She fell in a car accident 7 months ago.

Nari never replied. She probably didn't even care about Lia. No one deserves Lia. Not even me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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