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Felix and I just had our date together for the first time in a while. We barely get any time together alone because of always touring. It feels nice to finally have some alone time. I have always had this weird gut feeling but I always pushed it aside because it was probably just nervousness.

Chan told us that we were going to be staying a week at this fancy hotel. It has a 5 star rating, that's when you know it is amazing. This meant that Felix and I could spend more time together, like I always wanted.

As we get unpacked and settled in, Felix and I explore the place a bit. There were tons of cool art pieces, sculptures, everything you can dream of. This place was amazing. As Felix and I explored, we discovered a door. The door had no room number on was plain.

"I do not think we should go in there." Felix says in a nervous voice while holding on to my arm.

"Why not? It is not that scary. It will be fun. Don't be a cry baby. I am here for you if you need it, ok?" I say, rubbing his arm with my hand.

"Fine." He says, not amused

I smiled. As I put my hand on the door job, the weird feeling became stronger and my vision started to get blurry. My legs started to become weak...I dropped to the floor and my arm swung the door wide open. I could feel Felix's hands trying to wake me up or get me out of this weird consciousness. As he started to slap me, I could see through my blurry vision his head turn towards the darkness, take his hands off of me... and run away.

I looked back confused, but as I looked back... a dark, tall, void-less monster was in front of me. I wanted to run but I couldn't. My legs were too weak to even do anything. The figure in a quick motion grabbed both my arms and dragged me into the room.

My vision went dark, nothing could be heard, or seen. It was just emptiness. As my vision and hearing comes back, I am sitting in the metal chair with chains keeping me to the floor. I tried to squirm but to no use. I looked around, confused. After looking around, I looked forward to seeing the figure holding Felix in its venomous arms, almost choking him to death. we are Hyunjin. You have two choices, you could either A. Let me kill him or B. Let me take your life and let him go... your choice

"I choose...B. Let him go." I say, angry.


Without letting Felix go, his other tentacle grabs me from the chair and chains and allows his venom inside my body. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and after this long screaming of pain my head in a quick motion, drops.

I could not hear Felix's screams for help, only my thoughts. I was thinking about how I was going to get out of here with Felix by my side, but I knew that was never going to happen... well not in a nice way.

After the long moments of silence, I come back to see Felix look at me in horror.

"What?" I asked confused.

Felix grabs a mirror and points it at me, and to my surprise, I was no longer me. My arms were filled with dark veins, my hair was black, my eyes were light blue, my clothes were dark. I was a dark version of myself. I was no longer Hyunjin, I was... venom.

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