No Control

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I stared down at myself...wondering what I should do. Nothing came to mind, I just saw a monster. My thoughts were going everywhere, my thoughts were not all agreeing. I started hearing evil thoughts. I felt like I had no control of my mind...I eventually let go and dropped to my knees, arms to my sides, and head limp in my chest.

I could not hear or see anything. I was lost in this darkness of a void... again. I could sense Felix looking down at me in fear. I tried so hard to get out of this state... no use.

In the darkness, I saw all around me. I could feel myself, see my hands, feel my clothes. I felt very odd. I tried to see if I could see some sort of object in front or around me... no use. Well that was, until I saw... someone.

I was confused so I walked forward getting a better look at the figure. The more I went forward, the more everything was probably going bad in the real world. As I came 5 feet from the figure, the figure turned around and I saw... venom. Venom did not look like the dark, inky creature like he was, I saw him as myself. I was staring at myself but with darker features. He was smiling back at me... in a creepy way.

What? Are you surprised?

I shut my eyes open and close really fast, trying so hard to leave this state of consciousness, but nothing was waking me up.

Don't fight it Jinnie... free me. I know you can feel the power lifting inside you. Forcing its way out. Don't fight... kill.

My eyes widened more. I did not want to kill or fight anything, but I had to.

Aww, too scared? Fine, I will go easy on you. I will give you 5 punches. If you kill me, I will let you go and leave your body. If you fail to kill me, you let go and I have full control of your body. Do we have a deal?

Dark Hyunjin looked at me, smiling. I knew I was not going to win, but why not give it a shot.

"Fine." I say

Wonderful. I will be counting

I rush forward, and punch him in the throat. He dropped, holding his throat, smiling.

Good hit, that's one

I go towards him and kick him in his side. He holds his side

That's two

I start to get more angry, so I kick him again twice, equaling two hits

Wow, I am really feeling it. That's four, last one... be careful

I looked down at him and stomped on his head as hard as I could. It was silent. I smile and turn around. I did it. I killed the darker version of myself. Well... that was a lie...

I don't think so... bye bye

As he said, I could feel my body drop to the floor and wake up. I lost. He lied to me. I slowly wake up again, and I see my hands full of black veins. Felix looks at me in disgust and fear.

"Jinnie... you, you... " Felix could not even speak

You like what you see... Yongbok? This is me now. Deal with it :) let us go home. Let's give them the news that Hyunjin is gone and Venom is here

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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