Chapter 4: Belobog, the City of Preservation

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[Silver Wolf and March are my favorites. Also never thought that my 8th grade elective of Digital Art would come in handy.]

Gepard: Welcome to Belobog, the City of Preservation.

Awe was displayed on the faces of the Trailblazers, except for Bileam, who held a sleepy look as he watched the snow and the city

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Awe was displayed on the faces of the Trailblazers, except for Bileam, who held a sleepy look as he watched the snow and the city. Gepard and his Silverman guards bring the Trailblazers through the city, before stopping and turning around on a hill with cable car tracks.

March: Hey, it looks like it got a bit warmer!

Gepard: That's because you're in Belobog, the last bastion of Humanity.

March: Last bastion?

Gepard: 700 years ago, monsters from beyond the sky set the world ablaze. The land was turned to scorched earth, with raging infernos and billowing towers of smoke stretched beyond the horizon.

Bileam: Antimatter legion, Nanook loves his destruction. Too bad he created followers that are weak though.

Gepard: In the midst of the conflict, the Eternal Freeze descended without warning. Suddenly, sweeping winds brought blizzards which buried the invading Legion. Belobog was all that remained.

Gepard: The steadfast Architects built this city. Under the protection of Qlipoth the Preservation, Belobog remains forever warm in the face of the unrelenting cold.

March: *Whisper* He's sure saying some weird stuff.

Dan Heng: *Whisper* A marked change in tone. It sounds like he's quoting some historical record.

March: *Whisper* Uh-huh, so why is he telling us all of this.

Bileam face palms, she literally questioned why it was the last bastion, and then asked why he quoted this. Plus, they are not very good whisperers.

Gepard: You wanted to know.

March laughs as she remembered, Dan Heng and Stelle looked away from her, dissapointed, while Bileam still held his face palm.

Gepard turns around and continues on walking, causing the group to start moving again, as they traverse the city. As they walk through a plaza type area, Gepard questions about the Fragmentum. Bileam ignores this and opts to analyze his surroundings, by which, he stares at the sky, looking, or more trying to look for clouds.

Soon, they reach a long staircase, with a couple of guards stationed near it. Gepard stops, and looks at the group.

Gepard: We're here. This is Qlipoth Fort, the heart of Belobog, and the headquarters of the Architects.

Stelle: Qlipoth Fort?

Gepard: Qlpoth is the symbol of Preservation. Under Qlipoth's impulsion, the Architects constructed Belobog, thus protecting the spark of civilization from disaster, and the Eternal Freeze.

Honkai Star Rail: DevourerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora