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The date was May 24th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Emiah Berthoff (Fruit Picking Miku) can be seen on her computer talking to her friends Kaliyah Born (Fruit Picking Luka) and Kaidin Gasko (Fruit Picking Meiko) on Zoom.

Fruit Picking Miku: Man, I can't wait to go fruit picking this summer.

Fruit Picking Luka: Is that supposed to be a pun?

Fruit Picking Miku: Uh... Maybe?

Fruit Picking Meiko: I bet I will pick more fruit than either of you.

Fruit Picking Luka: Ooh, is that a challenge I hear? You're on, Kaidin!

Fruit Picking Miku: And not only that, but today is our birthday.

Fruit Picking Meiko: Oh yeah, that's right. Let's all say how old we're gonna be. You start, Emiah.

Fruit Picking Miku: Okay. I'm turning 19. One more year and then I'll be 2 decades old.

Fruit Picking Luka: I'm turning 21. I'm old enough to drink alcohol and gamble. Maybe I'll only drink the alcohol that tastes fruity.

Fruit Picking Meiko: Good choice. And as for me, I'm turning 23. I'm the oldest out of this trio of friends.

Fruit Picking Miku: Nice. So, what should we do to celebrate?

Fruit Picking Luka: How about we go fruit picking?

Fruit Picking Meiko: Fine by me.

And so, these three friends kept talking for a few more minutes until they all had to leave.

Jaden: And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Fruit Picking modules. I'll see you guys next time!

Happy Birthday, Fruit Picking Modules!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin