I see fire

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Steve's POV

We've been looking for Johnny Blaze for five years. He might be dangerous in the wrong hands, so we've got to get to him first.

I was punching my punching bag when I got an idea.

"Hey Jarvis, can you locate someone when you only have a name and surname?"

"Yes, why do you ask? "

"I need you to locate a man named Johnny Blaze. "

"Right away, Captain. "

He qas silent for a moment. Then he said,"I found a man named Johnny Blaze in a forest just outside of new york. I advise that you go look for him either alone or with one other person. "

"Thanks Jarvis. I know just the guy."

I picked up the phone and called Tony.

"Cap, what have you got?"

"Meet me at the café that is nearest to the tower."

"I'll meet you there."

I hung up and picked up my shield and walked to the café. It was peaceful there and I saw Tony sitting at a table with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Hey Tony. "

"Hey Cap, what have you got for us today."

"I found the location of Johnny Blaze. He's in the woods just outside of new york. If we start going now, we can be there at dawn."

"Great, let's go. "

We got into his car and drove off. Halfway there, I started hearing Tony snore. He was asleep and he has a bad habit of making other people tired when he is asleep. This was going to be a long night.

Johnny Blaze POV

It was late night when I heard a car driving by the woods. Damn it! I was still in my ghost rider form. I would be spotted easily.

Why did I have to make that deal fifteen years ago? This would've been a lot easier.

Steve's POV

I was still driving. I couldn't see anything on this dark road.

"Hey Cap, I think I see something. "

I stopped the car and looked at him.

"You see something? How do you see anything in the dark.?"

"A bright light like that is hard to miss, Cap. "He pointed to the light and I turned that way. Just so that we wouldn't be seen, I put the headlights off.

"I'm not going to be able to see anything besides that light Tony. I hope you don't mind having a broken car."

"Ah, its Ok. I am an engineer/millionaire after all."

I drove on and bumped the car to some trees. "With this racket, whatever lives there will have left."I whispered.

"Why are you whispering? Nobody can hear us inside the car."

"Because it's the only thing that is keeping me from yelling at you."


I stopped the car for a a moment. I could have sworn the light was moving.

"Do you se that?"

"Yes, I see the light. We shouldvreally be moving on now."

"No, it's moving...."

He looked carefully and his eyes widened.

We both stared at it in awe.

I climbed out of the car and waled closer to it. Was it just me, or was the light getting closer?

Johnny Blaze POV

Being the mqn I was, I was curious about the car driving into the woods at the creak of dawn. I went closer to investigate. Luckily, I could control the curse, so I turned back to my human self and went closer.

I saw two men inside a car. They looked pretty confused.

I came up next to the car and knocked on the window. A blonde young man opened it and looked a me.

"Now what are you folks doing out here at the creak of dawn?"

"We're looking for a man named Johnny Blaze. Do you know where we can find him?"

"Why are you looking for ol' Johnny boy? Did he do something wrong?"

"So you know him?"

"You didn't answer my question. Why do you want to find Johnny Blaze? "

"We're trying to help him. He could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Once those nad people get what they want from him, they'll kill him. We are just trying to find him and warn him."

"I think he'll be fine on his own. I don't think you know what he's capable of."

"I know very well, what he's capable of. "

"How so?"

"We helped him a few years ago. He was in a motorcycle accident and we helped him. When he thought he was out of sight, he burst into flames and drove off, making the road melt behind him."

"And you're still looking for him?"


"Good news! You found him."

"Where is he?"

I laughed. "You're looking at him."

the good, the bad and the ghost rider (avengers/ghost rider) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now