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Wednesday, laying in bed: Get out of my side of the room.

Enid, standing exactly on the line separating them like a sleep paralysis demon: I'm not on your side of the room.

Enid, Bianca, Yoko, and Divina eat their lunch at the fountain. Wednesday stops by.

Enid: Hello, Willa! How is the investigation going?

Wednesday: Terrible and tiresome. I'll be heading back to our room to rest. Also, Enid, may I borrow your vibrator? It's been a long day.

Yoko: *chokes on her drink*

Bianca: *covers her mouth* Oh.

Divina:*trying not to burst out laughing* I'm sorry what?

Enid: *starting to turn red*

Enid: *through gritted teeth* Do you mean my body massager, Wednesday?

Wednesday: Yes, the one that's on your table.

Yoko, Divina and Bianca stare at Enid. Wednesday is unfazed.

Enid: *getting redder* Yes, darling you may.

*Wednesday walks off*

Enid: *turns to the other girls* She meant my body massager!

The girls finally burst out laughing leaving the pink werewolf to turn cherry red.

Bianca: What you don't let Wednesday borrow your-

Enid: NO! No, she doesn't. 


Enid: Besides she has me.

All three of them: WHAT?!

Enid: Oh uh.....*looks around* WHO SAID THAT?

Yoko: If you want Enid to get the hint that you're into her, you need to talk to her in her own language.

Wednesday: I think I understand what you are saying.

Later that day, Enid bursts into Yoko's room:

Enid: What kind of weird advice did you give Wednesday?

Yoko: Why? What happened?

Enid: She barked and howled at me for ten minutes straight!

Yoko: ...

Yoko: And did that do anything for you?

Enid: I mean..she looked cute doing it.

Yoko: Should I write a book on seduction? 'Cause I'm killing this.

Enid: I think I'm coming down with something. I've been so nauseous lately

Wednesday, seriously: Maybe you're pregnant.

*they sit there in silence for a moment*

Enid: I don't know who's the bigger idiot. You for suggesting that, or me because I almost had a panic attack

Enid: Did you have to stab him?

Wednesday: You weren't there.

Wednesday: You didn't hear what he said to me.

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