Chapter 36: I Am Selene

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~Kylie - 카일리~

Everything around me goes pitch black, but I can faintly hear his soft voice in my ear.

"I'm here, Dragonfly. Please, come back to us." Taehyung? He's the only one that calls me Dragonfly.

The next thing I know, I feel warm and safe, along with the feeling that I should be opening my eyes. I try and manage to blink my eyes open, and it's to see a clear blue sky above me. Where am I? How did I get here? I must be dead or something.

Taehyung's voice being the last thing I heard, is more than I could ask for if I am dead, and if I close my eyes, I can still hear his low, smooth voice. It's also soft and has a warmth, bringing depth to any words that fall from his lips, and it carries on the breeze, caressing my skin. I hate that I had to leave them, but enough was enough. I refuse to endure that kind of life anymore.

I push myself up into a seated position, feeling a little dizzy and off-kilter, but after a moment I feel like the world isn't spinning anymore. I look around and I'm in the most mesmerising clearing I've ever seen.

It's full of hundreds of different-vibrant coloured flowers. They're like nothing I've ever seen before, and not just because I've never really been outside, but because they look like they glow and are letting off a magical Aura of their own. It's out of this world!

I go to touch a very vibrant green one and it leans into my hand, almost like it's letting me pet it. Like it's welcoming me and saying hello, and when my finger gently brushes over the petal, I feel at home and relaxed, but it also grows twice the size as it was before, towering over the rest of them. Ok. That's weird, but beautiful.

Looking around me, I see I'm not just in some clearing. I'm actually surrounded by trees of all shapes and sizes, and many different varieties of Deciduous and evergreens. Some have blossoms, whereas others have leaves that range in colour, from the red and golden colour of autumn to a variety of crisp, light, moist greens of spring and summer. There's even a Douglas fir and different pines, all covered in snow! All the seasons are represented here, at the same time.

There's also a rainbow-coloured waterfall that comes from nowhere, leading into a little Brook that splits and goes all the way around the clearing. It meets at the bottom, where there's a swirling, bubbling pool that's big enough I could easily bathe in it. It's so calm, quiet and serene, that I feel at peace.

Great. I am fucking dead then. Oh well, at least I'm at peace now.

Taking a deep breath of all the scents the flowers are giving off. The smell is literally indescribable, but it's the most beautiful bouquet I have ever smelt. Well, other than the smell of my mates, that is, it makes me feel calmer, and I find I'm ok with being dead.

Thinking about my mates makes me feel miserable though. I never got to really know them, or-

My eyes shoot to the left when I hear a crunching sound and there, hidden amongst the soft snow, I spot a wolf. I almost didn't see it, with its pure white fur blending in with the snow, but she's giving off a blue and red glow, a little like the auras from the flowers. She walks out of the trees and comes to stand on a high rock set on the Brook.

Then I feel the ground start to shake, I look down wondering if they have earthquakes in paradise, then realise that's a silly thought and I look around for the source.

Then I hear rustling from the right and my eyes shoot in that direction, and there, camouflaged in the trees, is a majestic green and black Dragon. Why are they both staring at me?

They are beautiful creatures and I have this feeling that I should know them. They move suddenly and make their way closer to me. Tears fill my eyes and one escapes, but it's not because I'm afraid. I'm dead, so they can't hurt me. No. It's because I do know them. I feel like I've known them all my life, though I can't place them from where, but I've missed them so damn much.

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