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War cries rang through the skies as Verianna's soldiers battled the men of the neighboring kingdom that ambushed them. Everyone fought on foot as it began raining. The water made their wings too heavy to lift them off the ground. Not known to sit on the sidelines, she fought alongside her men. Not knowing she was being watched. 

The man watching her grinned thinking this would be the right time. Finally after so long of waiting and planning, he could have his chance to take over and come out on top. He summoned a bow with his magic and took aim. He thought the spirits smiled at him when the path was clear. Verianna's best friend and top knight saw him though. Killian had his suspicions but never had proof before. 

His eyes widened in horror seeing the man take aim against his queen, who was distracted by the battle and heavy weather. "NO!" Killian yelled as the bowstring was released. Summoning as much magic as he could to use his wings in the rain. To boost his speed to stop the arrow. Verianna gasped in surprise as a body collided with her own.

Flipping it and raising her blade to the sudden attacker. Only to freeze seeing Killian's face. "K-Killian?" She questioned in shock. He coughed up a thick red liquid that the rain washed away. Her eyes traveled down to the shadow arrow piercing through Killian's armor, likely through his heart and lung, judging by the angle. "N-no, no, Killian, it'll be alright." She begged and adjusted them both to lean him against her. The fighting around her paused to watch the scene. 

Killian tried to warn her but was quickly losing energy. Shakily he reached up to her tear-stricken face. He opened his mouth to try gathering his little bit of energy left. Other fairies murmured around her, questioning why she doesn't use her healing magic. Others snipped back that she was the only royal that couldn't use the healing magic since her parents passed. She ignored their words and held his hand to her face and begged once more. "Please, please stay with me. W-we can get you out of here, find my uncle. He can heal you, my love." She assured him and looked around. "UNCLE! LORD MILLOK! Someone, please! Save him!" She begged.

Killian grabbed her face and gave her a sad smile. "I-In the next life... I'll always l-love you..." Was all he could say before his hand dropped. Verianna looked in horror and heartbreak as the light of his soul left his eyes. Her fear from battle, paired with her heartbreak for Killian's death and anger she couldn't heal him, made her release a large amount of dark magic. Following her screams of pain, the dark magic manipulated the roots and vines of the trees around them, destroying all who opposed her.

The attacker from before watched on from the edges blankly. Not what he intended but he could use this. Perhaps this would be even better. He'll just have to be more patient and bide his time.

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