Chapter One

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Children's chatter filled the classroom as the final bell rang out to dismiss them. Shawn doodled on his notebook, quietly waiting for the others to leave. His Comm Arts teacher wanted to speak to him and his sister before they walked home to their aunt and uncles' home. "Shawn come on. We were going to search for a story today." His best friend called out. Shawn looked up and gave the black and green-tipped-haired girl a weak smile. "Mr. Franks want to talk to my sister and me first. Go ahead to the park Violet. I'll meet up with you later." He told her softly. Violet gave a sad smile and nodded. "I'll wait by the school doors." She told him, adjusting their plans.

He watched her leave as his sister walked in. His sister had Mr.Franks as her advisory teacher as well as Honors Comm Arts. "Piper. Thanks for joining us... I wanted to check in on you both. See how you're adjusting." Mr. Franks greeted us and leaned on his front desk. Piper frowned and leaned on another desk next to Shawn. Her arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "We're fine Mr.Franks... Just like yesterday and the day before..." She answered for the two of them.  

"Why don't we let Shawn answer for himself this time, Piper," Franks suggested. Piper narrowed her ocean-blue eyes at the teacher. She was mad and tired of the staff and other students looking at them differently. She was tired of the question, "Are you okay?" Shawn could see this and packed up his things before standing up. "We'll be fine Mr.Franks... We just need time. It's barely been a year." Shawn sighed. Mr.Franks frowned and sighed as well. He worried for his students. But he could only help if they let him. "Alright... How about you two do a writing assignment? You'll have until the day before Thanksgiving break to turn it in. Think of it as a way to raise your grades. If taken seriously." He offered, ending his sentence as he looked at Piper. 

Knowing they've both been struggling with their grades, Shawn thought this would be a good idea. Not to mention Thanksgiving was two months away. That should be plenty of time. "What is the topic?" Shawn asked.

"Loss, how you cope, and adjust. what does it mean to you?" Mr. Franks told them. "There's no guidelines to this other than I want more than a page if done by paper." He adds. This piqued Piper's attention. 

"If done by paper?" She inquired. 

"I know Shawn and his friend Violet have been working on trying to do video vlogs He mentioned once or twice last year you were going to play music in the background. I'll accept a presentation. I want you both to use any means of media. Your teachers agreed to this assignment too, so it wouldn't be just my class getting the boosted grade."

"So this assignment has to be 100% us, more than a brief explanation, and our own opinion and expression?" 

"That's right." Franks confirmed. 

Piper looked at her younger brother. He stared back, intrigued. He nodded to her and gave a small smile of interest. She gave a small one back, seeing his eyes light up, ideas flowing through his mind already. Piper looked back at Mr.Franks. "Fine, we'll do the assignment. Can we go now? Shawn has plans and I have homework." She asked. Franks nodded and the two left the room. 

When they reached the doors to exit the school, Shawn smiled seeing Violet waiting patiently for them. She smiled back brightly and waved them over. "Hey Shawn, Piper, is everything alright?" Violet asked. Piper just nodded as Shawn explained the extra credit assignment as they began to walk to the park. "Wow, extra credit work already? It's only been two weeks since school started." Violet gasped.

Piper chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "We didn't do so well last year and our grades aren't the greatest already..." She explained. Violet frowned, she knew things have been difficult for her friends but not that hard. Before she could respond however they all heard painful yelling and cruel laughter at the park.

Piper ran forward, Violet and Shawn on her heels, behind her. When they rounded the corner of the bush wall, they saw a few girls dumping a bag. They laughed and ignored the other girl who cried on her knees, begging them to stop. "OI! What do you think you're doing?!" Piper snapped and stormed over. This didn't surprise Shawn and Violet.  They knew Piper didn't tolerate bullies. Her tolerance shrank more after their parents' passing. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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