Chapter 1: The Beginning of my Torment

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The Moment was tense, The Fight between the Blox Club Members Vs The SMGs + Melony was showing that it was going to take a long while for it to come to an end.

Well... it would, if it wasn't for Melony's sudden activation of her deity powers, defeating each Club Member, One by One.

It looked like they were going to have the victory in this battle
If it wasn't for...

Box Club Leader: "..Hey- YOU!"

Three: "Huh?"

Box Club Leader: "You wanna meet the God Box?? Then stop these fools, and I'll show you the DIVINE WAY."

Believing in the Box Club Leader's Lie, Three immediately grabs Mario, threatening of using him as a sacrifice if the others didn't stop the attack

Four: "Oi! What the heck are you doing?!"

Three: "What do you think I'm doing? I'm going to see the God b-"

Suddenly everything and everyone stopped.

The sound of flesh being pierced by a knife or any type of sharp object could be heard

Melony had thrown her sword at Three, It went right through his chest. The room went silent.

Everyone was staring at the scene.

A puddle of Three's blood quickly formed on his feet, nothing could be heard but drops of blood dripping onto the floor.

Three was still standing, with his legs shaking, he didn't do anything but stare at the big sword that was piercing his chest.

He heard nothing but a loud ringing in his ears. Before falling to his knees, he was able to hear something, a group of familiar voices, desperately calling his name.


Four ran towards him, trying to keep him awake. The injured SMG didn't fully understand what was going on around him anymore.

He could see tears falling from Four's eyes, he couldn't understand... His former enemy was worried for him? Why?... He noticed his mouth moving... but he wasn't able to hear anything.

Four: "Three! Look at me! Hey.... fuck Stay awake please, You're- YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY! you... have to be..."

The sword was still there, but he didn't know how to take it off or if he should...

What if that causes him to lose more blood and makes everything worse?

Three: "Hey... Four..."

Three finally speaks, he was using the last little strength he still had

Three: "I don't... I don't think I can feel my legs..."


Four couldn't be in more panic and pressure, SMG3... his former rival, was about to take his last breath, right in front of him, and he didn't know what to do. "Three! please try to stay awake,Please..."

Three was slowly closing his eyes, losing consciousness little by little, using the last strength he had left, he speaks. "Four... Can you watch over Terrence... and the dead memes for me?" That was a last wish, he had accepted that he was going to die.

Four: "Three, please! There has to be a way! There has to be!" But there was nothing he could do...

Small sobs could be heard from behind them

It was melony,she was horrified.

You could see the amount of regret she had in her eyes.

What have I done...

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