Chapter 1

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The cliff wasn't high, but it was high enough. High enough not to hear the mingle of the town, the clashing and burning sounds in every corner of the premises. High enough to feel free.

That is, free enough.

On the ancient, untouched-looking grass upon this cliff was a young boy given the name Technoblade. "Given" would be the right word to use when discussing every event in his life, for everything in his life was done for him, out of his control.

Simply forced upon him, but that was the life that was meant for him as soon as he was declared Prince of Chellester. He consistently wears his jeweled crown and red, satin cape that he had found the most comfort in throughout his life.

So yes, Technoblade was sitting on the summit of this cliff above his kingdom to escape the noise of his land, to escape everything. He would pick at the wondrous flowers that bloomed all around him, lay in the sun with his cape protecting him, and overall simply enjoy himself while he can.

There was a main reason Technoblade waltzed up to this hill, not only to escape his sleepless village but to escape his own head. Or, at least, the voices within it. Thoughts appearing to him from voices that aren't his own swarm his head for hours every day. He thought when he had first begun to hear them that he would never escape them, and he was both right and wrong. He would never escape them, no, but he found that things like laying on the peak of a cliff during a pink and golden sunset could temporarily make him forget everything bad.

Thoughts presented to him that swarmed as thousands of sharks around prey yell in his head again and again. For instance, the main one that he makes up to himself,

"Will they ever let me be anything rather than a ruler?"

And the voices' responses,

"Now why would you ever think that?"

"Without blood?"

"You really are stupid, aren't you?"

"Without blood?"

"Without blood?"

A pause.

"Slaughter the pig."

Technoblade is never sure whether he can trust the voices, how could he be? They are almost always full of rage and revenge and violence. So he just decided to be quiet about them, especially to his father. The King of Chellester finds out that his son, the heir to the throne, is hearing voices. That's totally reliable and sane, right? The town would then find out and they already aren't a fan of Technoblade, he's sure of it. They aren't a fan of his pink-shaded hair that his father continuously mocks and attempts to hide. Cursed upon birth, his father would say. I mean, they take one look into his fruit-colored eyes and the people are probably horrified for their lives, but Technoblade doesn't want it to be that way, he never has. He wants things to change; he wants his life to change.

On his third sunset trip to the cliff, when Technoblade was around 15 years old, something did change. An encounter had happened and a very, very unexpected one. As Technoblade was sitting in his usual spot with the meadow behind him, he had randomly heard shuffling, and when he was about to turn around and ignore it, a bush to the right of him rattled, the small leaves detaching.

Animals around here are wild, heh? Technoblade thought, but the bush rattled again and again. This spiked the boy's curiosity and he had slowly risen from his spot, approached the bush, and slipped his sword out of its sheath. He was proud of how threatening his sword had looked; he had gotten it custom created for him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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