Chapter One

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Harper dropped the phone and melted into the gray carpet of the cold hotel suite. For the next few minutes she sat against the wall and tried to catch her breath. Her mother had been far from perfect, but she had loved her in spite of their estranged relationship. Growing up, she heard fairy tales of mothers who stayed home, baked cookies, and read their children bedtime stories. If only, she thought.

As she fought for her breath, she was startled by a knock on her door.

"You ready, Harp? She's here."

Harper shuttered and dropped her face in her hands. For a moment she had forgotten about the interview. With her new album coming out this month and work on her next movie beginning in a few days, her agent had wanted her booked for, what seemed like, every magazine in print.

She thought about calling for her manager and best friend to come back to the room, but knew Melinda would insist that the interview take place, regardless of the horrible news. It was business. And it always came first.

Harper pushed back the tears that threatened. Promising herself that she could get through this interview, she slipped into celebrity mode. She put on a brave face, composed herself, and hoped it would be over soon.

"It's about time," Mel mouthed behind the back of the reporter.

The room was cold. Colder than she remembered a few minutes earlier. Harper ignored Mel and directed a feigned smile at the reporter. "Sorry you had to wait."

"Hi, Harper, I'm Shanna Ray from Cosmopolitan. I just want to say that I'm a huge fan."

Harper sat on the leather couch, across from the reporter. The wide eyes and huge grin on the young woman's face made it obvious that she was new to celebrity interviews. Harper tried to be hospitable despite her feelings. "Have a seat."

The reporter began, "How long have you been in Manhattan?"

Harper heard Melinda answer and hoped this interview would progress quickly. She knew she couldn't stand much small talk. She looked past the journalist. The dark room she had just left captured her attention. Life was simpler before Statler called. Not uncomplicated by any means, but ordinary to her at least. Even at its worst though, it had never hurt this badly.

Ray leaned in and positioned her notepad. Harper eyed her cautiously as if the reporter was about to attack.

"Have you had your photo shoot yet?" Ray inquired.

Harper, oblivious to the shoot, started to answer, but was quickly interrupted by Mel.

"In the morning." Mel smiled at the reporter.

Harper's stomach tightened even more. She thought this interview was the last thing she had to do for the week and was looking forward to having tomorrow and Sunday off especially since she was scheduled to be in South Dakota early Monday morning. She glanced at Mel then heard her cell phone ring. Rick's name flashed on the screen. She tossed the phone to Mel. "Take care of this for me, please."

"Ok, let's get started," the reporter began. "What everyone wants to know is, are you and Rick Taylor talking marriage?"

Harper inwardly groaned. Her on again, off again relationship with Hollywood's leading man had created a media frenzy. She stiffened, but had to admit that a part of her was thankful that the lady had more class than to ask about Jake. That had been a country music nightmare.

Harper tried to answer all of the questions. However, her tangled thoughts worked against her. The sweet tone of her mother's voice, the sparkle in her eye when she had something to share, or the elegant way she laughed played through Harper's mind like an old movie. Those times were gone now, but who was she kidding, they had been gone for years.

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