Old hexide

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Edalyn clawthorne rushed and hurried to her - definitely not late to - class and sat in the most silent way possible only to be caught by the harsh potions teacher and sent to the detention pit,
"Hah, easy punishment!" She scoffed to herself
She grabbed her scroll and contacted alador as he had a knack for machinery, it took a while hiding from the horrid creatures in the ghastly prison but it was worth it when alador stormed in with a giant gleaming abomination mechanism practically waiting to be tampered with in her eyes as they shone with excitement,
"Again?" Alador moaned
"Like how your late to my grande escape?" She laughed
Alador sighed then ordered his mix matched machinery  to retrieve eda from the pit of doom,
"It's getting sad now edalyn clawthorne" he mumbled
"What is?"
"The amount of times I have had to bail you out of here"
"It's only because your to good of a student to ever be suspected" eda giggled
Alador first took that comment as a compliment, then realised how foolish he was and ordered the abomination to chuck her dangling body into the crowded hall.
She landed right on her face, at lillith's disappointed view
"Oh eda..." she sighed miserably
Practically dragging her injured sister along the floor, they reached the healing track classroom and placed her on the desk.
"Hold still eda-"
"I can do it myself you fusspot" eda snarled with blood dripping from her bruised nose.
A shaken raine whispers barged into the room panicking in fear of eda's medical situation but then just laughed at her,
"Where's my emotional support at Hm?" She scowled
"Haha! I'm s-sorry eda pfff- but it's the 4th time this week that alador through you on the floor hah!" Raine wheezed,
A circle of blue light healed her running nose and scraped knee,
"Let's eat already, I'm hungry!" Eda complained
The lunch choices where not to be envious of but eda could eat a bucket of dragon scales at this point so she grabbed her friends confused and shaken wrists and flung them into the lunch hall.

The free selection was as usual absolutely horrendous but eda had a trick up her sleeve to sneak into the teachers lounge and get the good bites to eat....
"This idea is terrible!" Lillith angrily stated "no one will believe us for a minute!"
"Oh my dearest prissy little lillith, how feeble is that head of yours"
Edas comment made her already frowning face curve to the corner of her cheek in annoyance,
"All we need is a student on the illusion track to make us look like a teacher and raine can make us sound different with a spell"
Eda was thrilled with her self claimed terrific plan yet, she wasn't even an acquaintance of an illusionist at her school and neither were lillith or raine,
"Well I know a few little illusion tricks" lillith beamed
"Yes we understand you are very modest but your not strong enough to keep us disguised for the whole lunch break" eda exclaimed
"Cloaking stones"
"Excuse me?" Lillith replied to raine confused,
"Perry porter from my photo memory class is an oracle"
"And?" Eda mumbled
"He can make us cloaking stones so we ca-"
The bell rung and their little plan couldn't work,

or could it?

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