Chaoter one: THE XCHOOML@?@?@?!,!

28 3 12

Yn walked down the hallways of the new school. Youre not gvnervous you dont give a flying fuck about these bitches you are just too high to give a shit

Some jack frost lookin mf with some fakeass magnet piercings pinned you to a locker. You just ouff mire weed, its not like you fuckin give a shit about some fuckboy anime pfp lookin mf

"I OWN this school. And that means i own you." Said cuckboy

"Bro i am extremely high" you say

"My name is dason olemetrix. I was abused by my father and my mother died during childbirth so now i have a confused relationship with romance and act all tough and cool but really im a poor little meow meow who you can definitely fix despite the crippling abuseiveness in our relationship" skinny

"Like im SO high" you say

"So y/n,"

"When the fuck did i tell you my name"

"Im gonna see you around, chick." He said the last part with sinister tone in a sinister voice in a sinister way with his sinister mouth and his sinister orbs dazzling red because he was an emo littLE FUCKING BITCHBOY WHO WEARS CONTACTS LIKE A CU

Y/n smokes y/ns weed with y/ns hands and y/ns mouth and then floated down the hallways because as we all know weed gives people super powers

She didnt head to class yet for some fucking reason despite the fact that she woke up to an alarm clock for the first line before lookjg into the mirror and listing off fucking every single one of he r conventiainally attractive features while being like" im so ugly none of the boys love me waaa" like stfu madelyn

Because she needed to meet some OTHER FUCKING GUY who had blonde hair or some shit and was like, a jock, or some sfucking bullshit so anyway he fuxkin

He fuckin like was all like bumpin into her and shit

He bumoed into y/n and looked at y/ns (your eye color) eye(s) with his bright blue orbs, he had a smile white like my jiz in your motherinos asshole and a cheekbones

He was like "oh hahahahahahhahaaha im uh adrien, or some other generic whitboy fuckjead shit"


He like "sorry for bumoing into you, y/n! Im a jock dude but im nice and perfect but im boring so youre not gonna end up with me eben though in real life id be way fucking better than asshole twitbag"

Y/n smokes some dope dope and now y/n feel dead dead (in a good way)


Adrien fucking walks off to class because oh noes bell RANG AEIGHT OHOURS AGO MELISSA YOU ARE LATTTEEEEEEEE latee latte

Y/n tucked your generic white girl hair that is explicitly not curly behind y/ns ears and my fucking tablet keyboard has mother fucking TWO \ buttons but goddamm none for / on the main screen so writing y

is such dogshit and since im high and lazy ill just use the wrong slash have fun readin it


runs off to class. Like a little bitch but not really xause hgh and dope epic



Authries note: uwuwuwu wow guys i hope u liek the first chapter i worked to very hard on it even tho next chapters might be late because my mom GROUNDED ME UGGGGHHHHQ \\\\\\><<< i have four eyes anyway uwuwuwuwuowowowo i hope you like my super unique and original characters tonic and sails the jedgehog i mean edward and jacob i mean stephan and damon i mean dason and adrien uwuwuwu thx give this one morbillion likes or ill fucking stab you anyway baiiiiiii 💅💅💅💅💅💅

Generic love triangle but yn is high and so is the authorWhere stories live. Discover now