Chaper 9

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After my dad and I's talk I let the guys out of my closest and bathroom and all snack were gone..
"God I didn't keep you in there for a long time". I said.

"Well yeah but we kinda threw up everything we ate since like Thursday because of the challenge thing you made up.. Said Ashton looking down.

"Yeah okay whatever" I said rolling my eyes. "So I don't know about you guys but I do my homework so I'm going to do that and I'll help you with yours". I said getting my homework.

"Oh really? So we can have like right answers?!" Said michael raising his voice.

"Yeah sure just go get your homework" I said pointing at the window.

They all come back about 5 minutes later with their homework. After doing mine for like 30 minutes I was done so I checked back with them. Nothing. They had nothing they were doing the freaking Charlie Charlie game with my pencils. Now I have to get new pencils because you have to break them after. Great.

"Okay really what homework do you even have" I ask knowing there's not a lot because it's almost the end of the school year.

"Um just math" calum rolling his eyes.

"Who do you have for math?" I asked

"UGH DR ZAID" they all said in sync.

"Ew I had him he sucked" but he uses the same lesson plan so give me your homework."

I look at it and get out a box of old school stuff from last year looked for the math stuff and pulled out the same worksheet.

"Here I got all of them right" I said handing it over.

"Sweet cheaties!" Michael said in a really high voice.

"Smooth Clifford" I said giggling.

"Oh and that is like the last assignment you will get you watch videos for the next 2 weeks." I said knowingly of the 2 weeks left.

After all out our homework is done my cousins came over I completely forgot about that.. One comes up to my door and opens it because I forgot to lock it after luke had to pee.

"Oh hey Octavia and OH HOT MALES!!" My cousin yelled making her way next to michael. (Not gonna lie I got kinda pissed at that.)

"Oh hey do you mind not sitting on me?"michael asked scooting away from her closer to everyone else on my bed.

"Hey Madi why don't you hang out with someone other then us? I say point towards the door since i couldn't get up because michael was pretty much sitting on top of me because of all of his scooting away.

"Um who's older her Octavia and who's the guest?!?! Yeah that's what I thought. She said having bitch face.

"Um actually Ashton is older than you and my friends here are guest and you're making them uncomfortable so byeeee!!!" I said waving.

"Oh yeah because when I came here your dad said there wasn't anyone here so should I tell him that you have guys over because we all know how much he hates guys around you." she said being super snippy.

I swear one day I'm gonna kill my stupid cousin Madi. (Puts Madi on list.)

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