Wooyoung x San [A/F]

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If there was one thing Wooyoung had, it was confidence.

Wooyoung had always had a love for female clothes, and more so...dresses. He always loved those parts of stores that suited his style. This way he could explore how his body looks and try distinctive styles. Wooyoung had grown to love how each dress would show his curves and inner beauty. Learning to walk to his own beat and not care about other's judgement and opinions, San his partner and soulmate was always there. Always there to give him the support and love that Wooyoung need.
"Look at this dress!" Wooyoung explained happily as he shoved his phone into his partner's face. Ever since finding out about Wooyoung's love for dresses, San had made it his mission to find all the dresses that made Wooyoung smile.


San would try, try so hard to reach and understand what Wooyoung had. From an early age, he was always a shadow. Always afraid of being judged, tormented by everyone's thoughts. So, seeing how Wooyoung would glow when others looked at him when others would explain how pretty he was in such a casual summer dress. It never sat well with San. Always leaving a tangy taste of jealousy in his mouth and a knot in his stomach.

"San! Look at this dress!" Wooyoung explained as he shoved his phone in San's face. Wooyoung would explain happily; San had learnt over time that if Wooyoung was happy. He wouldn't focus on San. On San and his lack of confidence and self-esteem.

"it is very pretty Youngie." San would explain as Wooyoung blush softly and smile.

'how I wish I had your confidence...how I wish I was you...' San thought silently as Wooyoung placed an order for the dress.


Wooyoung was out, leaving San alone in the house to his thoughts, actions, and feelings.
"I might as well try it..." San mumbled softly as he walked to the shared room. Due to the number of clothes Wooyoung had collected over the years they had agreed that a room with a walk-in closet might be the best bet. Turning on the light, San marched over to the section that held all Wooyoung's dresses, choosing one he walked out just as he took in his own body figure. From working out his arms had become defined and muscular. "There is no way in hell a dress would fit this body..." he mumbled softly as he sat on the bed. The dress fell onto the ground. Thoughts surrounded him as he began to shake.
"I-I would just break the dress..." He mumbled softly, tears falling down his face as he looked at the abandoned dress on the ground.
Suddenly feeling ugly and insecure he turned away. Hiding from the world just as Wooyoung arrived home.

"Kitten! I'm home!" Wooyoung called out as he placed down the left-over food from his lunch. Taking off his shoes and placing down the rest of his things he sighed.
"Kitten?" he mumbled; San always responded to the nickname.
"Sani?" Wooyoung called out again just as he heard soft sobs leaving their room, a small sigh leaving his lips as he began to investigate the sound.
"Kitten?" Wooyoung explained, poking his head into the room to see San's body hunched over, shaking with each sob that left his lips as he cried.
"Kitten?" Wooyoung mumbled looking down on the ground to see one of his dresses; a gold dress that shone in the sunlight sitting in a pile. A small sigh left his lips as he picked the dress up, placing it nicely on the bed so it wouldn't crinkle as he moved over to San.
"L-leave me alone..." San mumbled softly as he cried, not realising that Wooyoung stood in front of him until he felt a soft hand touch his hair.
"What's going on?" Wooyoung mumbled softly as San shook.
"C-can't..." San mumbled softly as Wooyoung nodded. He had slowly pieced together the scene, causing his heart to break. San wanted to try on a dress, but his own insecurities had stopped his chance. "H-how..." He cried softly as Wooyoung rubbed his back.
"Take it slow kitten. Just breathe and then speak." Wooyoung whispered.
A small huff left San's lips as he looked at Wooyoung, his eyes a raw red from all the crying as he shook.
"H-how do...you..." he began as Wooyoung listened patiently. "...wear...them...s-so...confidently..." San whispered as Wooyoung smiled.
"Because, Sani...I have you." He explained. To San, which was the craziest answer Wooyoung could produce. How could San be the reason Wooyoung can wear dresses? It just didn't make sense.

Wooyoung knew what the look meant as he smiled. "what I mean Sani is that because I know that even if someone tried to put me down I have you to bring me back up. Your support and love for what I wear are enough." He explained softly as San looked up at the younger. His eyes were full of curiosity as he smiled.
"c-confident b-because of me? B-because of Sani?" San explained as Wooyoung nodded.
"yes, because of Sani." Wooyoung smiled, he loved his kitten so much and nothing was going to stop that. "Now how about we try on that dress." Wooyoung explained as San looked down.

"Sani might break it..." San explained, looking at the shape and how small it looked compared to San.

"it will be fine!" Wooyoung explained happily as San nodded.
"I-If  Youngie says so..." San mumbled as he grabbed the dress and headed to the adjoined bathroom as he tried the dress on.

What happened in those minutes once again sent San into a meltdown, Wooyoung racing into the bathroom to see San curled up on floor, dress on the ground as he cried.

"kitten..." Wooyoung began as San looked up.

"I-it won't fit! I-I broke it!" San explained loudly in between sobs as Wooyoung shook his head in disbelief. "S-Sani bad kitten! S-Sani broke dress!" San explained softly, shaking as Wooyoung picked up the dress to take in the damage, a small smile appearing on his face as he let out a giggle.

"We can try something else." Wooyoung explained, placing the dress in a small bin bag as San looked up at Wooyoung.

"N-no. s-Sani just break them." San explained as Wooyoung sighed.

"how about we go and find you a dress in your size," Wooyoung explained as San shook his head.

"S-Sani just wants you," San explained as Wooyoung felt his heart break once again.
"all right, we can figure it out tomorrow," Wooyoung explained as San nodded.

The two moved to the couch to curl up and watch movies, Wooyoung's kitten in between his lap as he watched the movie.

"I think you would look amazing in a dress kitten," Wooyoung mumbled as San nodded.

"S-Sani hope so..." San explained as he cuddled up to Wooyoung, before falling asleep in his arms.

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