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The Cemetery was filled with people of all different ethnicities and both of the different genders. Many people sobbed into their tissues asking the old mighty god, why did they take Jack Toretto away from the community so soon, other people moped, they couldn't bring their thoughts to words, they wanted answers, they just wanted the man who cared for everyone and everything back. He was killed in a big car accident at the racing arena. Many people who supported him and loved him from around the neighborhood were there in this one cemetery.

Isadora on the other hand stood beside her sister and her brothers, they all grieved a different way, Mia found comfort in crying, she was always the emotional sibling, even cried over the littlest things, but that's just how she was. Dominic's coping mechanism was anger, he had episodes where he threw objects, he and their brother jacob yelled at one enough for hours. Until one of them either left, or fought until one restrained the other. Isadora's way of coping was the silence, she found peace in the quiet, as long as she was isolated, as long as she was alone, she didn't feel the weight of her father's death crash down onto her all at once.

Domonic and Mia tried to explain to their sister that she has to express her feelings about the death of Jack, but if she grieved the way she wanted. She would burn the world and everything in it to the ground, so she kept silent, she kept her eyes straight, her head held high and her mouth closed. Dominic, Jacob, Mia and Isadora watched them prepare the casket to go down, Mia and Domonic stepped forward saying their last goodbye's while Jacob moved closer to his little sister.

"What's on your mind?" Jacob whispered over to his little sister, he tried to figure her out and her method of healing out, but she didn't seem to fully let him in. Sometimes she would give him the benefit of the doubt, he was more softer than Domonic at this time, easier for her to talk to him.

"Papi" Isadora referred to her father using the spanish term, her spanish accent was as thick as the day she started talking. Jacob looked over at his little sister and put his hand out to her, making Isadora look over at his hand that was in fact larger than her own. She placed her hands into his holding it, he gave her hand a light squeeze to comfort her.

"We have to accept that he's gone, and we have to come together as a family, as he would have wanted for us all" Jacob spoke softly to Isadora but right now, it went in one ear and out the other. "He wouldn't want us apart, let alone separated because of his death" he added onto his last statement. The young girl gave a soft nod as she held the hand of her brother, her brothers were driven by rage, her sister was suffering with her own emotions, and she thought she was alone, so she kept her mind and emotions isolated and to herself.

"He wouldn't want us fighting either, but you and Dom can't get enough of that, it seems like we all can't live up to his wishes and hopes can we?" she was being highly sarcastic, she let go of his hand as Mia and Dom stepped back from the casket. She walked up to it herself and looked at the casket with a quiet sigh, she put her hand to the smooth casket top rubbing it with her thumb. She missed her father, as much as she wanted to keep the silent act up, she missed him a lot, she loved him too, she would never act as if she didn't. But he was taken away from her too soon.

"Until we meet again Papi" her eyes filled with tears, that soon started to cloud her vision. Isadora took her hand from the casket using one hand to take off the bracelet on her wrist, she placed it onto the top of his casket and moved back wiping the stray tears that fell on her cheeks with her hands.

Her siblings stood beside her, from oldest, to youngest, they held their hands and held their heads high. The Toretto's were resilient, they were loyal to one another, and they always had each other's backs, never once they fought a battle alone, whether it was emotional or physical. They never turned their backs on each other, because all they had was the sibling bond, they are family, nothing ever interferes with the strong bond of family.

"Let's go home hm?" Mia asked her brothers and little sister, The casket was now in the ground and was being buried.

"Let's go home, I think abuelita is there" Dominic told his siblings and they all nodded. Mia grabbed onto her brother's hands starting to walk away to the car, Isadora took another glance at her father's grave that was now being buried, she ran her hand over the cross on her neck giving a soft smile. Her father made sure to always leave them a piece of himself, whether it was small, or large.

"Catnip, lets go" Mia hurried to her sister and Isadora looked towards her siblings who were waiting for her, she walked to them taking Jacob's hand and they all went to the car.

And on that very day, they all vowed that they will never hurt one another, or be dishonest with each other. It was a vow that hopefully, would never be broken.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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