Birthday Plans 🤭

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do yall ever just wonder if like

bbh or skeppy get horny irl

cuz like

sometimes u forget these are like real people and they're adults so like bad for example probably isnt as innocent as he seems...

and that they also have feelings like that naturally

they've probably masturba-

ok. sorry. i promise im not a pervert this was just an intrusive thought i coudlnt control it😩😩



|:|Badboyhalo POV|:|

It was April 1st! April Fools day! But more importantly, the day before my birthday!

I had already invited all my friends (George, Dream, Sapnap, even Quackity, and of course Skeppy!) to come over. We were planning on going out to eat somewhere nice together. (i know this might sounds stupid i just idk what adults do for birthdays lmao)

Unfortunately though, George had broken both his arms right on March 30th, just yesterday. He was Minecraft gaming way too hard and absolutely obliterated his keyboard (and arms ofc) after dying to the Ender Dragon. Meaning, he was in the hospital, and in critical condition due to the side effects of "Minecraft gamer syndrome". Obviously, this meant he couldn't come.

Dream wasn't coming either as he wanted to stay with George. He also needed to radiate his Minecraft energy onto George as he was becoming weak due to lack of game time (also a side effect of Minecraft gamer syndrome withdrawal) so he was basically on life support.

That's okay though. At least the other three will be there! Especially Skeppy!!

I had already reserved a table at the fancy restaurant and ordered a cake, meaning there was nothing really left to do to prepare except wait.

I called Skeppy earlier again just to make sure he would make it.

"Yes Bad, I'll be there," he told me.

I lay down happily on the couch, Rat in her doggy bed close to me. I was quite content.

|:|Sapnap POV|:|

"lmfao driving is so mf easy like 😎 how do people even get into car accidents? ☠️☠️🥱"

*turns up the radio* "yeah that shits good"


*drives to mcdonaold cuz im a fatass*



"my fnaf merch noo 😭😭😭 i couldnt turn fast enough now the pedestrian is dead and my freddy fitzgerald fazbear merch is destroyed 😭😩 also my fazballs hurt😰"

|:|Badboyhalo POV|:|

"So yeah I can't come over on your birthday, I'm literally in the hospital next to George right now."

"Oh... that's okay, I hope you feel better... I'll try to visit you soon," I replied sadly.

"Thanks Bad, sorry again."

"Don't worry about it, your health comes first." I put the phone down and sighed. Jeez, this is like the most cursed April Fools ever.

Sometimes the thought would cross my mind that they're trying to prank me, but at the same time I saw George in the hospital already and Sapnap wouldn't lie about that kinda thing to me. At least Quackity and Skeppy will be there. Granted, it will be awkward having us 3 alone together, but hey it's better than nothing. (no it's mf not)



What now?? I picked up my phone again, slightly annoyed. "What do you want, Quackity?"

"i shidded my pant and it rly hurt also there was blood😰 so im in hospital"

"I-- do you really need to be in the hospital for that??"

"yeah turns out i have irritable bowel syndrome but it's okay its easily treated ill only be here like 4 days"

"God damn it," I grumbled. "Fine, get better soon... I'll visit, if I can."

"thanks x"

I hung up again, slumping down on the couch, this time not from joy. I wasn't gonna jinx myself with Skeppy. I shook my head. No, no matter what Skeppy will make it. I know how much he cares about making me happy and there's no way luck can be so bad that something will happen to him too. I'm sure of it.

We can just all hang out together another time. Maybe next weekend instead. A late birthday party.

I scrolled a bit through my phone to pass the time.


737 words

gay sex soon hopefully!! so (not) excited! 🤩

skephalo smut story my friend requested 💀Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat