Until I Die

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JayMoon AU (plz understand this isn't how Jayfeather and Half Moon met in the books, remeber, it's just Fanfiction!)

Jayfeather blinked in thought. He stared off into the distance, even if he was blind, he could still imagine the night sky. He found himself unable to sleep that night, and decided to go off into the forest. He traveled past sunningrocks and stumbled upon a cave. Was this here before? He thought. He entered the cave as he heard a she-cats voice. "Invader! What business do you have here?!" She called. "My name is Jayfeather of Thunderclan." He explained. They talk for a long while and promise to meet up tomorrow. They meet each other for moons and moons, until one day, Jayfeather asks Half Moon, the she-cat, "Half moon, we have been meeting up for a while, and I wondered.... If you would want to be my mate?" All was silent until Half Moon spoke. "Yes, of course!" She replied. A moon passed and Half moon was found outside of her cave, crying. "What's wrong, Half Moon?" Jayfeather said, placing his tail on her back. "I was exiled from my tribe... they discovered I was expecting kits." She said. Jayfeather thinks for a moment and says "you could come to my clan... if they don't let you in, I'll leave with you." The next day, Jayfeather finds Half Moon and takes her to Firestar. "Firestar, I found a rogue. She wishes to join the clan." Firestar looks up at the blind Tom. "Where is this she-cat?" Jayfeather shows him to Half Moon, And Firestar allows her to join as a queen. Two moons later, Half Moon, now known as Moonheart, has two kits almost identical to her. Four moons pass and the kits finally open their eyes. "Jayfeather? Are you here?" Moonheart called in a muffle. "Yes, do you need something?" He replied, sitting down. "Oh, no, but Frostkit wants to tell you something." She said, still muffled. Jayfeather heard the kit trotting in circles around the den, looking for jayfeather. "Frostkit, I'm over here." Frostkit still continued searching until he finally ran into Jayfeather. "Why did it take you so long to find me?" He said to the kit. "I thought you were informed Frostkit turned out blind?" Moonheart called, watching the kit to make sure he wasn't troublesome. Jayfeather's heart started racing. Has anyone suspected anything? Did someone know but hide that they did? Or... Jayfeather's thoughts cut off after Frostkit exclaimed, "I wanna be a medicine cat just like you, Jayfeather!" Jayfeather chuckled. "If it's alright with Firestar, then I'll take you as my apprentice next moon." Leafpool, the other medicine cat, walked in. "I've never seen you happy around kits. What's so special about Moonhearts kits?" She asked. "I'm not sure..." He began to sweat. And eventually, Jayfeather heard Leafpool's sudden gasp. Darn it, she realized it! Jayfeather continued like nothing was wrong, when leafpool spoke up. "They are, aren't they?" She said in a deeper, stern voice. "Jayfeather, I already know the truth. Don't lie to me." She said, sitting down. "F-fine. Believe what you want, but nothing there is true." Leafpool shook her head in disbelief. "You broke the code. Stop denying it." Jayfeather couldn't find anything to say and finally gave in. "Fine, it's true just..." Leafpool sighed. "I won't tell Firestar." It was silent for an awkward moment, until Jayfeather asked "how come I wasn't informed Frostkit is blind?"

"I'm not sure why they wouldn't tell the blind one about another cat being blind." Leafpool joked. The next moon, Frostpaw joins Jayfeather in their den for a training lesson. Jayfeather explains how to tell herbs by their texture and scent. Another moon passes, and Frostpaw is excelling in training, until one day, multiple cats flood in with scratch wounds. "What happened here?" Leafpool asks after explaining the wounds to Jayfeather and Frostpaw. "There's been a trio of badgers near the lake, very very close to the camp." Squirrelflight explains while helping an injured cat walk. Brambleclaw storms in, yelling about evacuation. "Leafpool, Jayfeather, help these cats evacuate camp!" He exclaimed. Frostpaw knew just what to do, almost like he was waiting for this moment. He grabbed the herbs in the storage. "I'll grab these, get them out of here!" He yelled in a muffle. He followed the scent of Jayfeather and safely made it out of the camp, where he met up with his mom and sister, Snowpaw. Jayfeather goes hunting, as most of the warriors able to hunt most of the time are injured. Frostpaw joins him. While on the trip, Jaypaw loses Frostpaw, and hurries hastily to the others. "Brambleclaw, Frostpaw ran off on patrol and I couldn't find him!" He exclaimed, showing brambleclaw to the place Frostpaw was last seen. A few hours later, Frostpaw was found. "Where were you!?" Moonheart exclaimed. "I was trying to help...  but I got lost." He replied. Just a few hours later, Brambleclaw quietly trudged back toward the clan. "The camp is safe, we luckily had Windclan discover and lure away the badgers. I checked with Onestar, he says no cats were harmed."  

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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