Chapter 1: Marked

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"I can't do this anymore..." Mineta sobs into his hands as he stood alone on the roof of the school. He takes of his shoes slowly and lifts his small body up onto the ledge. He may be an alpha, but his small stature and pervy ways have ensured that no omega would ever want him. It wasn't his fault, he's asexual, he doesn't even feel sexual attraction, he just thought that he needed to fit in and his internalised phobia of Asexuality took over. But he had dealt with enough bullying... no one listened when he came out as asexual or when he tried to explain his behaviour. They just thought it was another attempt at getting closer to the girls... which was ridiculous... he didn't even like girls. Not that he liked boys... or did he... he didn't know... he didn't want to admit...

But now he'll never have to...

He closes his eyes, and let's the wind take him. The sound of the fast moving air avoiding his body is all the he hears as he makes his descent, not the gasps and screams as the people below watch him fall.

"Look out!" A voice breaches the peacefulness, he opens his eyes to see he's inching closer and closer to an unsuspecting person.

'Oh no! I never planned to take someone with me!' He thinks, he spreads out his arms and opens his mouth to scream, in attempt to warn the unlucky stranger. However, before he could, he reaches impact. His mouth fills with blood and skin as his teeth accidentally pierce the much larger man's back. A long line tears down the man as his teeth stay connected to his flesh. He'd wondered if he'd died and if this was just a nightmare, though unfortunately, it was not. He's snapped back into full consciousness and he can finally hear the horrors around him, the taste of blood still fresh in his mouth and the sight of a strangers back lathered in teeth marks and torn flesh lays in front of him.

"Uhm, excuse you?" He hears, the man had turned to face him and spoke.

"I-I-I'm so sorry!" He looks up to face him, whilst trying to get the metallic liquid to leave his mouth.

"For what?" He furrows his brows in a confused manner.

'How does he not feel that?' Mineta thinks.

"Your back... I-"

"Yeah. You marked me... and now you have to take responsibility." The larger 5'9 man peers down at the 3'6 alpha.

"Y-you're a-"

"An omega? Yes. I am." Mineta's heart fills with fear. But wait... an omega... this is everything he's ever wanted... but... he took it. It isn't right... he doesn't want him... he... forced him...

"I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to..."

"Well. What's done is done." His cheeks flush with red, as does the larger man's.

"What's your name..?"

"The name's SangwOah..."

"Sangwoah... such a beautiful name... for a beautiful omega..." he watches as his new mate's cheeks glow an even brighter red.

"Let's... get out of here." He talks monotonously, yet his mate could certainly distinguish his nervousness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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Marking Stalking (Sangwoo x Mineta) OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now