the continuation of...

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"Is that your new song Wilbur"

Wil looks at the screen and sees his song your new boyfriend on the screen

"Play it"
"Ok" Wilbur says hesitate
The song stats playing

Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be
When I was a kid on VoIP
I thought when I get older
I'd marry her, I told her
Now I'm twenty-six and I work in an office
Nine 'til five's not the best, I'll be honest
If I could change a single thing
I'd make it me and not him
But he's in your bed, I'm in your Twitch chat
I've got the key and he's just a doormat
And even though he's got social skills
That doesn't mean I can't pay the bills
Anyway, make the most of him
'Cause she moves on pretty bloody quick, oh-oh
Your new boyfriend's an arsehole

Jared grabs the remote and pauses the song

"So that's what you think of me"
"I...uhh I mean I did"
Jared unpauses it

Yeah, I've met Jared (of course, I've met Jared)
The one who took you away from me
You hit it off instantly
I know, 'cause you won't stop telling me

Wilbur's pov
Shit, shit, shit, shit

I've seen his jawline, shoulders, and muscles
Push against his fashion sense
I've thought about what he looks like nude
I'm not gay, though

Pandora stands up
Pandora storms off to wilburs bathroom

Wilbur was just sitting on the couch slightly blushing

Jared stood up put his arms on both sides of wilburs head Wil looked up at him

"J...Jared what are u doing
Jared put his hand over wil's mouth
"if you wanted to see nude you could have asked"

Wilbur's face lit up bright red

Wilbur was Interrupted by a kiss from Jared

Jared went down wil's neck pulled the colar of his jumper down and started sucking and biting his neck

Wilbur started quietly moaning

Jared found a spot on wil's neck that made him moan pretty loud Wil coverd his mouth and Jared sat on wil's lap and whisperd in his ear

"we can continue this later"

Jared sat next to him and Pandora walked back in grabbed Jared's arm

"come on were leaving"

They walked out the door together

Wilbur sat there

Wilburs pov
What do I do, should I tell someone, idk what to do, ima just call ranboo they might know what to do

Wil grabbed his phone from his bed

And called ranboo
"Hey Wil"
"What's up"
"I need advice"
"what kind of advice"
"Love advice"
"Oh I might not be the best for that I'm gay remember"
"That's the thing ranboo I think I'm in love with a guy"
"Who is it"
Wilbur didn't respond
"Wil you there"
"Can I have his name,age, hight and anything else I should know"
"Well he's a year older than me so he's 26 he's also a bit taller than me he's about 6'6 and..."
"What's his name"
"It's Jared"

Jaredbur bottomburWhere stories live. Discover now