Part 0

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В твоїх очах залишу я бездонний жаль
Безмежну тугу і печаль
Не відпускай, не відпускай ніколи
Своїх очей печаль зимову

В твоїх очах залишу я весь подих літа
Весь подих сонця й вітру
Усе, що дарувало й забирало
Ранкове сонце й світло

Залиш мені погляд свій уві сні
Погляд свій уві сні до весни залиши
Залиш мені погляд свій уві сні
Погляд свій

Мене підхопить таємниця ночі
Сьогодні я покину твої сни
Не йди за мною, хоч ти цього хочеш
Мені свій погляд тільки залиши

      Mr Russia was whispering to him what seemed an entire section of The Bible and he lost interest in it very quickly. He was letting all of those "pragmatic trial", "commission initiative", "export insights" and "populistic stance" pass right through like the noise of a city when trying to fall asleep. Along boredom here comes an opportunity to look around the faces by the table – no strangers, this table could seat only family. He noticed that immediately as he started talking with this man, the whole table started lively conversing about something, as if someone had just pushed an "ON" button. He wasn't sure if that was due to the fact they had a topic which shouldn't be talked about in his presence or were they only acting. Especially the way in which Dražen suddenly started to chat up Enis. It was easily guessed, or just presumed, he was trying to hide his too big of an interest in stranger affairs. Slovenia, one of the quietest among them, noticed Vuk was observing him suspiciously and misinterpreted it as gossip of some sort. Janez started to worry a bit even though Vuk gazed onto him with no meaning. Just to hook his eyes onto something. Anyway, he wasn't sure, but it seemed that Mr Russia just asked him a question.

– Uh, yeaaaah! Uh, I mean, yes, Sir. – Vuk replied without any hesitation.

– So you agree to this? Oh, I certainly wasn't expecting that. – Ivan seemed like he was holding back from appearing too glad, yet small parts of a smile and perhaps even a very soft giggle managed to get out. – But I'm most flattered and excited. – Ivan was smiling to him in a very suggestive manner.

Vuk thought to himself, "Oh shit.". He stopped breathing for a minute from the panic.

– Come along now. – You could taste the melodical hint of "fun" in this sentence and a very toned down chuckle through closed lips afterwards. Ivan turned to begin walking slowly. Vuk couldn't move, he turned his head to look at the table, begging with a quiet stare for someone to save him from... Well? I guess, a private session of something with one of the biggest military powers in the World. It was too late, the last thing he saw was people turning his heads to look at him, but he was already gone. In a very gentle manner he was slowly pushed into walking by Ivan, by his side. Of course he wouldn't dare to push him too hard and Vuk wouldn't dare to resist.

Mr Russia led Vuk to an empty room which seemed like a big office with a writing table, a leather couch and a coffee table. The opening door also had some kind of label on it, but they didn't mind no attention to it.

It's not like he was afraid of Russia. It's the feeling of authority. The point is, once you meet a man which could erase the world with a press of a single button you begin acting a certain way. Even if you've known him since your childhood and were very close friends all throughout your life? Even then, but keep in mind theirs wasn't a normal friendship. Everyone has their ups and downs, moments of fighting and not talking for weeks, only to apologise and make it up afterwards. But they... Their loyalty and friendship was measured, basically, in human lives. Killing enemies. Without ever getting blood on their hands, they preferred a much more elegant weapon than any sword or rifle. They wore no armour, but profound crowns, or later, uniforms of clean, beautiful design. All disguised under an ART OF TACTICS with an honourable title of a General. Naturally, that's just the official part of it. When Russia was way better at hiding these types of "situations", it's not like they never watched the spark of light leave someone's eyes. Simultaneously being the reason. It just wasn't as often, as big of a number. Brutality was one of the best characteristics of Russian history. Since they shared it, you couldn't say Vuk wasn't a bit influenced. They say, anyone could die for their sweetheart, but only the true one would also kill for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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