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Lobsters are invertebrates meaning they don't got spines and instead rely on their tough outer shell for protection and stability, once a lobster gets too big for its shell it will shed and grow a new one in a process called molting.

They must be very careful in the months when waiting for a new shell to grow bcuz they are susceptible to predators during that time.

Lobsters have a large "crusher" claw and a smaller "ripping" claw.

The crusher claw has a ridged edge that resembles molars and is used to break up hard food like clams and crabs.

The pincher claw or ripper claw is used to tear apart softer prey like worms or fish.

Female lobsters can carry sperm for up to two years. Lobster claws can exert pressure for up to 100 pounds per square inch, Also lobsters have teeth in their stomach.

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