Chapter six ~ Moving in

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(A/N): sorry this one is slightly off-schedule I was out all day yesterday. I should be back on track soon. Happy reading!

Charlotte was checking that she had everything she needed ready for the moving trip. She determined that she did, and went to retrieve her cellphone. She drove herself there for once, And giggled at the thought of it. She checked the time. It was 2;40 when she got there, and she headed inside with a box of clothes. Donovan met her at the door and helped carry things. Bryce was in the living room when Charlotte passed by. "Charlotte! Come here." She said. Charlotte put down the box she was holding and sat next to her. Bryce grasped her hand

tightly. "Is this for real..?" Her eyes were glittering, although she didn't dare to smile. "Yes, Bryce. It is." Charlotte answered with a sweet tone. Bryce smiled, and turned away.

"I have to unpack." Charlotte said, and got back up. "I'll help." Bryce got up too, and went to get another one of the boxes. "No!" Bryce stopped, and turned around. "Wh-why- w-what's the problem?" Bryce was smiling, but she looked concerned. Charlotte blushed. "The last box

is personal." She said, and Bryce nodded. "Fine, then. I'll start ordering the furniture." She shrugged, and opened her laptop. "It's alright, Bryce. I can handle it!" Charlotte laughed. Bryce poutted. When she finished putting the rest of her stuff away, she called Bryce in. She brought her laptop, and they searched for fitting furniture. They agreed on an elegant

white-and-gold dresser, and fluffed lavender bed sheets. Charlotte Sat on her bare mattress, and sighed, a tired one. Bryce was still picking out decorations, obviously excited that Charlotte stayed. She inhaled the smoke that grew in the mansion. Wait- SMOKE?! She got up and ran downstairs. "DAMN IT, DONOVAN WHAT DID YOU DO!?"

Bryce was yelling, and Donovan sighed, putting out the fire. "Ma'am, Bobby was the one cooking." Bryce paused, and turned to look at bobby. "Why the FUCK where you cooking!?" She said, Walking toward him. He backed up, and almost tripped, but Charlotte caught him effortlessly. Bryce stopped power-walking to look at Charlotte, who was looking at her

phone. She looked up, almost not realizing she was still holding Bobby with one arm. She glanced at him,shrugged, and kept scrolling on her phone. "Charlotte, how-" Bryce slowly walked up to her, trying to measure out the physics of the scene in front of her. "Bobby, get up." She said, crossing her arms. He obeyed. "Now why where you cooking?" She asked again. Bobby looked away, and then answered. "I wanted to cook up something special for you two."

he mumbled. Bryce sighed, and Donovan was finished putting out the fire. "I'm going to bed." Bryce announced sadly, and walked upstairs. Bobby hesitated to go after her, but Charlotte stopped him. "You go up there and you won't come back down in one piece." She warned, slightly shoving him back into the kitchen. He nodded, knowing she was right. She

went to talk to Bryce herself. When she got up to Bryce's room, she was smoking a cigarette on the edge of her bed. Charlotte almost didn't notice she was crying. She gently knocked, and Bryce turned around, wiping her tears. "Yes, dear?" She smiled, but her eyes were red, giving away her sobbing moments before. 

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