04||Black Feather

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Her lungs burned as she kept climbing the endless stairs. Her mind raced with questions. Everything just became too loud for her to handle. Her hands shook with adrenaline as she kept climbing the winding staircase. 

Heavy gusts of wind greeted her as she stared out at the new world. The city glistened from afar, strange architecture seemed to glare at her. 

Magic seemed to be ingrained in every fiber of Magix. 

She could feel the wisps of power from everything she touched, it was dizzying and made her want to go numb. 

How could people live like this? 

She closed her eyes, her mind replaying her life from before. Where did it all go wrong? She was supposed to be graduating this year and applying for a job. What happened to her life plan? 

All thrown away, now she was in a mystical world in another girl's body. 

Her eyes traced the incoming figures that walked through the iridescent winged gate of the college. Most girls had several suitcases full of clothes and other items, while Artemis only had a rucksack filled with two pairs of jeans, toiletries, a phone, and a journal. 

Anger ignited in her as a burning sensation coursed through her body as a small flame appeared in her hand. Shock filled her as she waved her hand around frantically trying to distinguish the flame. It didn't burn, but it was unsettling to be holding fire in her palm. 

A snicker rang out in the empty tower. 

Her heart raced and her eyes darted everywhere in search of the voice. The tower remained empty. Was her mind playing tricks on her?

Suddenly, her shadow elongated, a sinking feeling weighed on her. Her shadow morphed into a winged man, his skin alabaster white, so white it almost seemed to glow in the afternoon sun while his wings were devoid of light. They were the blackest things she had ever seen. His eyes were an unsettling violet as they pierced her very soul. 

"W-who are you? H-how d-did you do that?" Artemis asked, gripping onto the rail in fear. 

Her mind screamed to flee. A playful smile graced his lips. 

"Ambrose. Son of the three ancestral witches. At your service." He bowed theatrically, his eyes never leaving hers. 

Artemis stared at the strange man. He was dressed in an all black suit, gloves adorned his hands and a gold hoop complemented his almost elvish ears. 

"You, Princess, are not supposed to be here. Well, your soul has been switched with the real Princess of Domino." He said, his voice deep as a baritone. 

Panic washed over her. How did this beautiful stranger know about her situation?

 "How do I get back to my body?" Artemis asked, her eyes watching the winged man carefully. She didn't feel threatened by him, but she was wary of his intentions.

"That is complicated. You see Princess, Bloom as she calls herself, was not supposed to go to Alfea. Daphne sent her to Earth to protect her and await until she was of age to take over Domino. But, you changed everything." Ambrose said, circling the girl like a wolf stalking its next meal. 

"Stop calling me 'Princess'! I didn't mean to mess up your shitty plan. Do you mean Domino as a place or what? Who the hell is Daphne?" Artemis interrogated, frustration boiling in her. 

His violet eyes twinkled with mischief. 

"Such harsh language coming from you, Princess. I cannot not reveal everything. Where's the fun in that?" He taunted, a smile still gracing his lips. yet, it wasn't a smile full of joy, no it was a smile able to conceal inner thoughts and intentions.

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