oh, its only the beginning

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<-N was sitting with Uzi, he was smiling, but he had a nagging feeling that something might be off. He slowly looked outside to see the Copper 9 sunrise, he knew it could kill them. V on the other hand was sitting towards the front of the bus behind the teacher, she was in a scrunched up pose with her arms hugging her legs. Lizzy was sitting on her phone, she looked at V->

"You good V?" <-Lizzy seemed a little worried, I had been worried lately, her mood was indescribable, she hated talking about herself in every way->

<-I sighed-> "yep, better than ever!" <-I answered with a awkward smile->

<-Lizzy knew something was off, she immediately grabbed V and forced her to look at her->

"Look girlboss, if you like him, TELL HIM! If he hates you then make him pay, cmon V"

<-I looked down-> "you workers can't get it huh? Look, it's been all easy peasy for you all your life but this is a different relationship, this one is much deeper than you think Lizzy"

<-Lizzy crossed her arms in a annoyed like manner-> "whatever, I was just trying to help"

{time skip}

<-I had woken up on the soft snow, she sat up slowly and began to look around. It was very obvious that N had took me here, I had probably fell asleep on the bus or something.->

"Anyone there?"<- I tried to be loud, but due to the snowstorm it was impossible to hear me. I slowly stood up and looked through all the buildings, I wanted to know if N or someone was there, anyone, I wouldn't care. I had suddenly seen Uzi and N, they were both sitting outside the landing pod on its leg thingies.->

"Uzi, look... you need to learn how to control those powers of yours, I don't want you to cause any harm you know..." <-He said comfortably->

"I know, I know, but it's not that easy when it controls you all the time like it had done at the camp"<-she sighed-> "I don't really want to hurt you, you know right?"

<-I looked at her... so she fails to mention how she had hurt me? I haven't heard a singular word of apology come out of that things mouth, why wouldn't she apologize. Though that didn't hurt me, the thing that did was the constant memory of... how N had hit me. I have tried to forget it but I can't, it's to new to forget.->

"Well, it seems like V might know a bit about it, what do you think about if we ask her?"<-N patted Uzi on the back in a comforting manner->

"N, you know she hates me right?"

<-I sighed, maybe I should come out, and so I did.-> "I don't exactly hate you I just find you attacking me annoying" <-I tried to walk across the snow as fast as I could so that they couldn't reply but N had stopped me right in my tracks->

"V, may you help us?" <-He had a more sympathetic smile, first time I have ever seen him like that, I stood there for a few seconds before finally saying->

"Sure, what is it?" <-I already knew what they were gonna ask though, it was to obvious->

"Wellll... Can you help Uzi?"<-she was standing behind him with the absolute solver as one of her eyes, my mind immediately went into panic but I had hid it->

"Alright, but what do I get?" <-My entire mind was racing, I was hoping with everything that he would say something about affection, oh God, why do I love this man so much???->

"Ummmm... well we can spend some time together?" <-he smiled awkwardly->

<- in an attempt to keep my confidence I had smirked-> "and why would I need that?"<-N immediately bean to look around. Being honest, I would kill to do that with him, just a hour with him will make me happy.-> "Fine fine, whatever, I'll help her"<-I flinched a little at Uzi, the absolute solver... scared me... because of Cyn, she had caused me to have this fear. Though nothing was stopping me from spending some quality time with N.->

"Thank you V!" <-his smile was so sweet, I had smiled a little myself.->

<-We had began with examining its powers, Uzi would show me random abilities she could use with it, when it had came to creating biological flesh monsters I had gotten terrified->

"No... not this again" <-I quickly began to step back as m face twisted with horror. This had rang up a ptsd I had about Cyn, when she had done that thing with those failed worker drone bodies... I'll explain it later bit I was terrified. Just being within a foot or two of those things made me panic. well, to explain this, I had jumped into N's arms. When I had first jumped back at the sight of it he had put his hand on my shoulder and when it had began to move I had hugged him tightly. He was hugging me now and all I can say is it was awkward, a blush was shown on his visor but mine only showed horror, I prickly shot the biological flesh to its death and panted.-> "Dont... ever use that thing again"

<-Uzi being the worker drone she is she had laughed at me completely ignoring what this power could do.->

"Cmon, why so scared? It's just some flesh"

"You don't understand Uzi, what I had just had there was a reaction to this as I had when it had happened before, I was scared idiot!"

"What had happened?" <-her voice was filled with curiosity but I had heard some teasing in it->



"She... she had done the same thing..."

"And what's so bad about that? What happened"

<- I sighed -> "Nothing, nothing had happened, now let's move on"

{Time skip}

"So your telling me I'm like a robot bit also a human?" <-she made that blegh sound thing, after all she hated humans-> "last thing I want to be is one of those things..."

<- we had all gotten tired now, as a test me and Uzi had fought, I won but she had landed a good amount of hits on me ->

"How was I able to beat you at the camp but not here?!?"

"That's because she was controlling you and she knows how to use the absolute solver like how she knows her own name!"

<- Uzi crossed her arms -> "whatever" <-she said her goodbyes and as always-> "And bite me!" <-she ran off, leaving me and N all alone->

"Well, goodnight I guess"


<-he began to walk off to the landing pod, but I had instead climbed this one building, it's were I keep all of my things such as drawings and stuff, at the top I had been met with the chilly wind. I sat down were I had kept all of my extra worker drone arms. Suddenly, something attacked me from behind, it immediately began tying me up. Then, I heard a familiar voice->

"Everything will be alright V, we just need to do something"

<- it was Tessa, and I think J might have been next to her because I had heard the familiar sound of her metal legs clanking against the floor. Tessa had begun to turn me off, my visor went blank and my body had went limp, slowly my mind shut down->

{Time skip}

<-I had woken up and the two were gone, my entire body seemed to be normal except for a massive piece of cloth lining my entire hips to arms area, I don't know why but I couldn't seem to walk well. I only managed to walk like a baby. I made it to the end of the building, were I had traveled a little to far. I began to fall, immediately my wings deployed but I wasn't able to control them much like I could always, I realized I had very little oil in me.->

"Ngh..." <-I fell to the snow, my impact making a massive blast. I then saw a worker shadow running to me, they stared at me for a little and then called someone over. I was beginning to overheat and so my body was slowly turning off, then someone, I don't know who had ran up to me and dumped a bucket of oil on me, it was strange especially since my entire body was limp and they were pouring g oil everywhere but my mouth were it was supposed to go. I recognized the shape, N had ran up to that worker and took the oil bucket and actually gave it to me through my mouth. I began to become conscious but as I am guessing my visor was still blank, but I had managed to move my fingers.->

"V? You good?" <- well, other than the fact that my entire body feels like it is about to explode and I am limp I think I'm good.->

*1520 words*
I am proud of myself
I'll write the next part tonight

The Begining Of The End (Murder Drones Fanfiction By @your_average_oboe_player)Where stories live. Discover now