why trust anyone at this pont?

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<-we had waited for her father for a while->

"Is he like a busy man or something?"

"He normally spends a lot of time doing expirements, but he should be back any second now"

<-just as she had said the door creaked open and in came a worker drone. I simply stared at him as she talked to him->

"Папула! Ты дома!"
(Daddy! Your home!)

"Привет юля"
(Hello Juliya)

(Yes I speak Russian :))

<-oh well, more Russians, how awesome. Last thing I needed was more of people like her->

"Юля кто ета?"
(Juliya who's this?)

"Ета Ви! Ана дрон убейтся, её убили"
(This is V! She's a murder drone, she was killed)


<-I inched back a little, he seemed angry but also scared. But I couldn't let her father get mad and so I had stood up in front of her and stopped her father->

"Look worker drone, she helped me and so I am helping her."

<-well this was awkward, but the thing that mostly surprised me was that she had hugged me as if I was her own mother. I immediately went into shock and hugged her back. How would she trust a murder drone more than her own father? I simply sighed->

"Whatever your name is, why did you scream at your daughter if it's my fault if anything?"

<-he snapped, I saw a flash of the absolute solver and we were all in a void in our "soul forms" I was looking like my old self again.  But then I realized something about him... oh god... Cyn...->

"Cyn? Your Cyn?!?!"

"Not exactly V, this is more of one of the workers I am co troling as a puppet"

<-she seemed to laugh as I looked behind myself, she was also being controlled, my breathing sharpened as I realized it. Everything was being controlled by Cyn...->

"Is this your mind game? Trying to torture me?"

<-I don't even know what's real and what's not now... the only drones I thought I could trust were puppets...->

"What are you trying to do with Uzi?"

"I want her to become my host, I am her mother"

"Your the worker drone I had killed..."

"Its all your fault I'm doing this V, it's all your fault"

<-I began to shake at the realization->

"Originally I wanted Uzi as a host, but, your body would be a lot more useful ya know?"

<-I shuddered->

"You want my body now?..."

"It would be more useful for my plans"

<-Suddenly, I passed out, my whole mind went blank, I was a soul floating g in a endless abyss. All I could do was hope that this was all a dream, please... make this all just be a dream... PLEASE-->
<-Silence, it's just silence, I float and that's all... am I gonna be here forever? Is this my fate? What's the point of living if this was my end? Am I even alive? What's going on? Can I go warn N? All I ever wanted to do was keep everyone safe... yet here I am... just a strip of code in a endless void... I slowly start to turn off, my soul is turning off? Is this my true end?->

"V, hello"

<-I still only see darkness... but that voice... it made me move a little. I slowly sat up in the void and looked around. What is going on?...->

"V! Please wake up! I'm so sorry..."

<-was that a dream? Is this a alternate dimension? All I can do is wonder->

"I think it's to late N..."

<-that was Uzi's voice... but I'm not in my body... what the hell. I suddenly wake up. I'm back in my body. I notice that next to me lays... my old worker body... I quickly get up and see that same worker with her father... I must be going insane->

"Everyone is her puppet..."

<-they all look at me as if I'm insane. N slowly comes up to the bed and holds my arm, trying to calm me down->

"Everything will be alright V..."

"That's the body i was just in... they were Cyns puppets... Cyn sai-"

"Calm down V, this "Cyn" is not controlling us"

<-Im still in shock->

<-N crawls into the bed and hugs me->

"Please... calm down V..."

<-his hand slowly wraps around mine as he brushes his head against my shoulder, his tail makes a heart shape->

"No... is this just another dream where Cyn will try and kill me again?"

"KILL you?"

"N, may you please leave the bed, shes still recovering"

"Oh yes nurse"

<-A worker drone with a clipboard in her hand comes up to me. She smiles in a strange way, probably because of her partially cracked visor->

"Come with me V, we'll have a therapy session"

<-I looked at N with a "are you fucking insane?" Face. Bit the drone had already pushed me into the room with two chairs->

"Make yourself comfortable V, we will talk about all these dreams you have had alright?"


<-I introduced myself, and she did too, her name was Sarah, she a young worker drone who wants to become a therapist, she was on the prettier side of worker drones. She was kind and sweet to, I eventually started feeling more comfortable with her->

"So, this was nice having you tell me all of this, is there anything else you would like to tell me or are you finished?"

<-I had begun to feel so comfortable I wanted to tell her my love for N... I really do...->

"Well... please don't tell N but I love him, I will do anything for him, I truly do love him. I just don't want to tell him this because I know he will sacrifice everything for me, his life, his dreams, I know he will destroy himself for me. I don't want to see him suffer like that though... I never do..."

"That's understandable V, your doing a smart decision for him but your destroying yourself, your feelings, your love for this... what I'd you were to find a way so that you would both benefit from it? How would that sound?"

<-I smiled->

"I think I can, maybe if I were to make him promise me that do you think it would work?"

"Sure, I think it would work perfectly!"

<-she escorted me back into the room, N was waiting patiently for me. I went back into the bed and he slowly came in to cuddle me->

"I'm so glad your alright..."

"I'm glad you are"

<-I buried my head into his chest, I was so comfortable with him next to me. I kissed him with affection->

"V... did you just k-"

"Yes, yes I did N, now let's go to sleep"

<-he blushed and cuddled me back, the two of us laid happily under the covers.->

<-I don't want to loose him... ever...->

The Begining Of The End (Murder Drones Fanfiction By @your_average_oboe_player)Where stories live. Discover now